Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 03:01 pm
@A Lone Voice,
A Lone Voice wrote:

Extremists are extremists, don't you think?

But here, in the recent DHS report, only vague warnings were given about the right wing. ...

good to see ya, al. the left-wing report, also a bush era dhs product, was issued in january of this year; here 'tis;

(U//FOUO) This product is one of a series of intelligence assessments published
by the DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) Strategic Analysis Group
to facilitate a greater understanding of the emerging threats to the United States.
The information is provided to federal, state, and local counterterrorism and law
enforcement officials so they may effectively deter, prevent, preempt, or respond
to terrorist attacks against the United States.

(U//FOUO) This assessment examines the potential threat to homeland security from
cyber attacks conducted by leftwing extremists, a threat that DHS/I&A believes likely
will grow over the next decade. It focuses on the more prominent leftwing groups within
the animal rights, environmental, and anarchist extremist movements that promote or
have conducted criminal or terrorist activities (see Appendix). This assessment is
intended to alert DHS policymakers, state and local officials, and intelligence analysts
monitoring the subject so they can better focus their collection requirements and analysis.
A Lone Voice
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 03:07 pm
@old europe,


First, I have yet to see anybody argue that leftwing extremism or terrorism doesn't exist, or that it isn't a potential threat. As far as I know, the DHS report you're mentioning is a follow-up on a warning on left-wing extremists that was released in January.

You haven't read this report? Why are you here?


Then, you seem to claim that the DHS is targetting just about anybody on the political right. I would really like to know what you're basing your opinion on. The report seems to talk about right-wing extremists that may try to recruit returning veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not Republicans. Not conservatives protesting high taxes or whatever it is they are protesting.

Tax protesters? It appears you haven't read this report, either.

Look at the footnotes on page 2 for one example. As to my previous posts in this thread for other aspects; I'm not going to repeat myself.

Please come prepared next time.


And then you seem to go on and equate gang violence with terrorism. I have no idea why this would make sense to you. It seems to me that there's a valid reason why we group crimes committed by organised gangs, mostly against members of other organised gangs, into one category, whereas we group crimes that target a wide, indistinct group of people and that are intended to cause fear and terror amongst a wider population into another category.

A report that speaks to local community police officers about military related threats and it doesn't contain any info about gangs and their recruitment of military personnel? This is a much bigger problem for most communities in the US than 'right wing extremists' recruiting military personnel.

You might have never visited an impacted inner city or other gang infested area , though, and wouldn't realize this. Your comment about gangs 'mostly' committing crimes against other gangs reveals this. Obviously, you have never lived or worked in such a climate.

If the DHS didn't mention this threat here, where is their report about left wing military threats? My guess is we will never see one under an Obama admin...

A Lone Voice
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 03:17 pm
Hey, DTOM. I was waiting to see if you pop in here. Good to hear from you again.

What I found of interest in the DHS report you cited is the naming of actual groups, as listed in the appendix of the report.

My gripe about the 'right wing' report is the failure to do the same.

Why didn't DHS list 'right wing' groups? They made 15 year old references to McVeigh, but why not list actual groups like they did for the left wing report?

Are there not any? Or did it fit their political idealogy, what with the Obama admin now in power, to leave it vague?

Yet, in their footnotes of credible threats, DHS mentions this:

"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration."

Bug ya a bit, DTOM?

No one from the left here at A2K has addressed what their response would be if DHS issued a report that said

"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as global warming or immigration rights."

Could you imagine the outcry from the left if something this vague was issued by the Bush admin?

Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 03:20 pm
@A Lone Voice,
A Lone Voice wrote:

A report that speaks to local community police officers about military related threats and it doesn't contain any info about gangs and their recruitment of military personnel? This is a much bigger problem for most communities in the US than 'right wing extremists' recruiting military personnel.

i don't believe i've ever met a gangster that was left wing. certainly not in a liberal sense anyway.
A Lone Voice
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 03:36 pm

i don't believe i've ever met a gangster that was left wing. certainly not in a liberal sense anyway.

Not my point; sorry if I didn't make it clear.

If DHS is going to point out potential threats from military vets, why only use the old rag about right wing extremists? As I've stated, plenty of threats from many aspects of society. And, military gang members are a bigger threat to local police than vague warnings of right wing extremists. As we have discovered.

You didn't indicate if that infamous footnote bothered you. A libertarian such as yourself?
A Lone Voice
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 03:48 pm
What, the small minded can't think?

Actually, nice... : )

Anyway, DD, here's what I'm trying to do:

I believe you have been a member here for awhile, as have I. If you recall, there used to be somewhat civil discussions in most political threads in the past, for the most part.

I'm attempting to keep my discussions civil, and have succeeded with a number of others in doing so, even when we are in complete disagreement. Like most, though, I fail to do this when directly attacked.

I'm not personally attacking other posters in my initial posts, and trying to refrain from doing so when I'm attacked. In your case, I didn't do so.

It is unlikely you and I will agree on most issues. But we can certainly call each other out when we disagree; that's what makes A2k a great place. But we seem to lose a lot when we make it personal...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 03:51 pm
@A Lone Voice,
A Lone Voice wrote:

Are there not any? Or did it fit their political idealogy, what with the Obama admin now in power, to leave it vague?

i think you're making more out of that than is there.

Yet, in their footnotes of credible threats, DHS mentions this:

"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration."

well, we have had past experience with so called "pro-lifers" who had no qualms about blowing up clinics and murdering doctors. it's not like that issue has cooled for the zealots who embrace that ideology.

and as far as immigration goes, having armed militias roaming around the borders with no accountability for their actions leaves the door wide open for someone to get killed, don't you think?

Bug ya a bit, DTOM?

not so much.

No one from the left here at A2K has addressed what their response would be if DHS issued a report that said

"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as global warming or immigration rights."

Could you imagine the outcry from the left if something this vague was issued by the Bush admin?

you mean something like, "if you don't stand with president bush, you are a traitor, you love saddam, you are giving aid and comfort to the enemy"?

sound familiar ?

i posted a clip from fox news of all the .... you know what? instead of describing it, i'll post it again for you;

"Fox Reporter Contradicts Rest Of Network: DHS Report Was 'Requested By The Bush Administration'"

so i guess the responding question is, as devil's advocate, why fox "and friends" weren't disturbed by the left wing report.

"the dhs is conspiring to take away our computers!!" Very Happy

Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 03:54 pm
@A Lone Voice,
A Lone Voice wrote:


i don't believe i've ever met a gangster that was left wing. certainly not in a liberal sense anyway.

Not my point; sorry if I didn't make it clear.

If DHS is going to point out potential threats from military vets, why only use the old rag about right wing extremists? As I've stated, plenty of threats from many aspects of society. And, military gang members are a bigger threat to local police than vague warnings of right wing extremists. As we have discovered.

You didn't indicate if that infamous footnote bothered you. A libertarian such as yourself?

why does it have to be "either / or" ?

0 Replies
old europe
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 03:59 pm
@A Lone Voice,
A Lone Voice wrote:
You haven't read this report? Why are you here?

What??? How is that a reply to what I've written? Your accusation here was that the DHS under Obama is specifically targeting the right. I think what you said was that "In 1933 the Nazi Party outlawed opposition groups. Looks like the Obama Admin is well on their way to attempting this" and that "DHS appears to be turning into a political arm of the Obama White House."

I've pointed out that the DHS was also paying attention to leftwing extremists. Specifically, I was referring to the report published in January. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you might want to read this DHS report here (brought to you by Fox News, btw): Leftwing Extremists Likely to Increase Use of Cyber Attacks over the Coming Decade.

A Lone Voice wrote:
Tax protesters? It appears you haven't read this report, either.

Look at the footnotes on page 2 for one example. As to my previous posts in this thread for other aspects; I'm not going to repeat myself.

Please come prepared next time.

What??? I'm sorry, but you seem a bit incoherent. Weren't you making the point that innocent conservatives would be specifically targeted by the DHS? If not, what was this here about:

A Lone Voice wrote:
But this would like the DHS issuing a report stating everyone who believes in global warming is a potential left wing extremist recruit. That local cops should watch for those with Al Gore bumper stickers...

A stretch? Not to those who oppose abortion, illegal immigration, and other conservative causes.

A Lone Voice wrote:
A report that speaks to local community police officers about military related threats and it doesn't contain any info about gangs and their recruitment of military personnel? [other unrelated stuff]

It was a report about rightwing extremism. You're argument is that a report on rightwing extremism should include threats that have nothing to do with rightwing extremism? Are you serious?

A Lone Voice wrote:
If the DHS didn't mention this threat here, where is their report about left wing military threats? My guess is we will never see one under an Obama admin...

Here you go (again):

Leftwing Extremists Likely to Increase Use of Cyber Attacks over the Coming Decade

You're welcome.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 04:29 pm
Additional info (also from Fox News, your fair and balanced news source):

Fox News wrote:
The report, issued last week, is part of an ongoing review of extremists on both ends of the political spectrum.


DHS spokeswoman Sara Kuban said the April 7 assessment is one in an ongoing series published by DHS "to facilitate a greater understanding of radicalization in the United States."

"DHS has no specific information that domestic right-wing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but right-wing extremists may be gaining new recruitments by playing on their fears about several emerging issues," Kuban said.

But some critics have said the DHS is equating conservative views to right-wing terrorism, but a DHS official countered that earlier this year, the department issued a mirror intelligence assessment of left-wing extremist groups.

"This is the job of DHS, to assess what is happening in this country, with regard to homegrown terrorism, and determine whether it's an actual threat or not, and that's what these assessments do. This is nothing unusual. These assessments are done all the time. This is about awareness," the official told FOX News on Monday.

report published April 7:

report published January 26:
A Lone Voice
Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2009 01:09 am

well, we have had past experience with so called "pro-lifers" who had no qualms about blowing up clinics and murdering doctors. it's not like that issue has cooled for the zealots who embrace that ideology.

and as far as immigration goes, having armed militias roaming around the borders with no accountability for their actions leaves the door wide open for someone to get killed, don't you think?

And we have rabid environmentalists and animal rights groups spiking tress, injuring loggers, committing arson, yet we don't see a DHS indicating those who celebrate Earth Day are potential threats, do we?

Should there have been a footnote in the left-wing DHS report about PETA members? Sierra Club members? By your logic, yes. But we didn't, did we?


you mean something like, "if you don't stand with president bush, you are a traitor, you love saddam, you are giving aid and comfort to the enemy"?

sound familiar ?

If it came from Homeland Security, or the FBI, instead of political hacks and commentators, I would agree. But this assessment came from a law enforcement agency. All the 'you are with us or against us' crap didn't come from a federal law enforcement agency that can jail us and take away our freedom. It came from political noise.

And now we have a fed law enforcement agency making political noise. And that is worrisome.

Re the assessment coming from the Bush admin: I haven't heard anyone say the assessment was completed by Bush; all indicate it was completed after Obama took office. Bush asks for threat assessments from the left and the right; Obama provides a finished product that is political in nature against the right.

This is supposed to reassure me how?

I'm puzzled this doesn't bug you just a little. Any time a federal law enforcement agency paints any group with such a broad brush, we libertarian types should be concerned.

Shouldn't we?

0 Replies
A Lone Voice
Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2009 01:37 am
@old europe,
And if you've read the reports, as you claim to have done, you'll see no footnotes mentioning liberals with single issue beliefs being considered a threat in the left wing report.

You'll also notice the left-wing assessment mentions specific leftist groups as dangers, such as the ELF. Yet, no specific groups are mentioned in the right wing assessment.

And that is painting a whole group of people with a broad brush.

The left wing assessment lists "animal rights and environmental extremists;' in the right wing assessemnt, they list those with single issue beliefs, such as opposition to abortion or immigration, as potential right wing extremists.

These reports would be similar if the left wing report indicated those on the left with single issue beliefs, such as the environment, immigration rights, animal rights, etc should be considered extremists. But it doesn't.

Surely you see the issue here?

Just because those views, opposition to abortion and immigration, are unpopular to the left doesn't mean that those who hold those beliefs should be considered extremist.

As I've said, this would be like a Bush issued report indicating those who believe in global warming, or believe in animal rights, or hold views that immigration should be easier, are all potential left wing extremists.

Both would be wrong. But Obama only singled out the right for their beliefs...
Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2009 07:02 am
@A Lone Voice,
Your down to parsing the syntax of the sentences in order to split hairs, now? Do we need to diagram each sentence? Perhaps one report has mismatching verb tenses.

Take a breath.
Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2009 08:27 am
@A Lone Voice,
A Lone Voice wrote:

Been away. Glad to be back.

Welcome back!

I especially liked this part from an angry lib:

"I am angry because the whole Republican party has not been rounded up and thrown into a black site," one wrote.

Sounds like something gungasnake used to say about outlawing the Demokkkrat party. There are always a few dumbasses out there who never learned the basics about our government.

In 1933 the Nazi Party outlawed opposition groups. Looks like the Obama Admin is well on their way to attempting this, aren't they, in light of their DHS report?

I don't think so. Did you read the actual report, or just all the hooplah surrounding portions of a footnote in it? I didn't really care too much about this story until my step-mother forwarded me some fine propaganda about the subject and I was forced to go read it myself. I hate having things like this pre-digested for me.
A Lone Voice
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2009 08:57 pm
If the left wing report, had it been completed by the Bush Admin, contained the same footnote, those on the left wouldn't be casting a skeptical eye?

From their past protests, I think they would be marching in the streets.

Glad to see that Janet Napolitano apologized to vets, btw...
0 Replies
A Lone Voice
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2009 08:59 pm
Hey FreeDuck!

Yeah, I read both reports. Which is why the footnote stood out like it did.

I was glad to see Janet Napolitano say the report shouldn't have gone out, blaming human error.

But it sure reveals the current political mindset in Homeland Security, wouldn't you say?
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2009 09:28 pm
@A Lone Voice,
A Lone Voice wrote:
But it sure reveals the current political mindset in Homeland Security, wouldn't you say?

Oh, my. You mean people actually suck up to their bosses?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2009 07:14 am
@A Lone Voice,
Hey ALV,

I'm not sure what it actually reveals but I think people like my step-mother over-reacted to it. Her contention was that the report says that Christians are extremists and terrorists. My read on the report, possibly because I don't identify with any of the groups who take issue with it, is that it warns of the possibility that extremists will take non-extremist issues (like abortion and small government and gun rights) and use them to stoke violence, and that one rich source of recruits will be soldiers returning from war who are unable to find work due to the current economy. That sounds perfectly reasonable to me and I can't for the life of me see why someone who is otherwise uninvolved with such people would take such great pains to conflate themselves with those people in taking offense. But to each his own.

Still, I can't help but think that the mass-hysteria and fear that displayed itself in reaction to this report reinforces some of the reports findings.
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2009 09:24 am
The next thing you know is that Obama will lie us into a war with phony allegations that the target country is about to attack us. Then, he will torture people, whether innocent or not, on the chance they may know something. He will certainly maintain the harsh economic boycott of Cuba, keeping our people from visiting the island. Etc.

Looks like a Nazi to me!
0 Replies
A Lone Voice
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2009 12:04 am

Still, I can't help but think that the mass-hysteria and fear that displayed itself in reaction to this report reinforces some of the reports findings.

If you've read both reports, you're aware that there was not a 'footnote' for the left wing report. No organization or group, as they were named in the left wing report, were named in the right wing report, either.

Just to be objective, imagine if the left wing report contained a similar footnote to this, (from the right wing report):

"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as abortion or immigration."

Now, what if the left wing report had contained a footnote such as:

"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as animal rights or the environment."

Plenty of violence from some of those folks. Tree spikes injuring loggers, arson, plenty of ammo if DHS wanted to include a footnote.

But it wouldn't be fair to lump those extremists with those who are simply 'dedicated,' would it?

Again, trying to be objective, could you imagine the outcry from the liberal media and the left?

Think PETA or the Sierra Club would be quiet?

I believe you are right when you state "I don't identify with any of the groups who take issue with it, is that it warns of the possibility that extremists will take non-extremist issues (like abortion and small government and gun rights) and use them to stoke violence..."

Coming from the other side of the ideological fence, you certainly don't identify with those who hold ‘single beliefs’. But imagine, (please) how you would feel if the left wing report had a footnote as I illustrated.

BTW, I don't believe the govt has any business telling women what they can or can't do with their bodies.

But it should bother anyone when a law enforcement agency of the fed govt looks at individuals based on their beliefs, don't you think?


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