"midnightcowboy" wrote:
Oh dear,
Quote:Shouting is always convincing.
I did not shout; mine is the voice of reason.
I used size n color to
EXHIBIT the part of your assertion
to which I chose to respond; that is dispassionate use of logic,
for purposes of illuminated conversation.
When u meet someone face-to-face it is unreasonable
n undesirable to expect him to speak in
You know what I was saying
so please don't add your ridiculous interpretation to it.
U can be (and r) held responsible for the logic of what u write.
I addressed what u wrote; nothing rong with that.
And no, the informationm is not equally valid regardless of where it comes from.
So according to u,
if ten different people each tell her that 2 + 2 = 4,
the value of this information
depending on who says it? I don 't think so.
People here, including me, giving her an answer could be quite wrong
which means she would be foolish to ask here at all without veryfying
such an answer. Which in turn means she might as well research it herself. . . .
That 's because Google defines
TRUTH, right ???
Quote:Enough ranting over nothing.
I am sure that everyone welcomes your posting eagerly,
but please note that it was
not extorted from u.
I might add many answers given on this site are cynical and designed for laughter
so relying on answers here for homework is risky on that basis alone.
Yeah; life is fraught with peril.
That sounds like an effeminate answer; r u a homosexual ?