A 1995 Jeep Cherokee . . . bottom of the line, a four cylinder, two-wheel drive . . . 167,000+ miles an' goin' strong . . . why, she likes nothin' better than to get on the 401 in Ontario, where everyone speeds (the only question being to what degree) and do 80 mph from Windsor to t.o. . . .
Paid for it outright, with cash . . . best vehicle i've ever owned . . .
'91 Volvo station wagon, white, turbo, 125,000 miles, dognuzzled windows, column ajar on right side after seat belt yanked in passionate anger at wolves in rabid feral corgi's momentary lapse of behavior; purchased used before I moved from LA (lah...), still love it. I did have problems with its computer routines a couple of years ago; these led to various exciting breakdowns at major intersections in San Francisco and Los Angeles which I found unnecessarily character-building. With the car brain now fixed, I center my displeasure on the haphazard onagainoffagain closure of the sunroof.
1984 BMW 325e with 125,000 miles. Runs great, faster than it was new, just got new shoes 'cuz it burned all the rubber off the old. Looks kinda like this:
BMW E30 Image
Man that came out huge. Sorry.
2001 Honda Accord 6 cylander- White. My husband has a matching one in gold.
When you get huge images like that it's better to link to the image.
Just use the same image url but put it into the URL box instead.
Done. It wasn't that big until I put in in an IMG box. Almost like it blew it up.
We have three vehicles, but we only drive two regularly...the 1953 Chevy pickup (aka "The Bumblebee"...bright yellow with black running boards & fenders) stays in the garage, a tribute to the first vehicle my husband ever owned.
He usually drives his tan 2003 Honda Pilot SUV. Great for road trips, scout campouts & hauling computer demo equipment...all regular events.
I usually drive my dark green 1996 Lexus ES300. I've only had it for a month, but so far I really like it. It's a great second car for us.
cjhsa -- the car is cool, I've always wanted a Beamer, but the driveway.... ahhh, I lust for that driveway paving.
I'm sure I've said this before on a2k. I have two cars. One is a black '97 Volvo 850, which I love loads, mostly because it has a spoiler which makes me look racy, I think. The other is a white '94 Ford Explorer 4x4 which I still love and can't bear to give up because we had a limo-sunroof installed with a lifetime warranty. You couldn't get that year with a factory sunroof, so it is probably one of the few '94 Explorers in the country with one. Don't you think that's a good enough reason to keep it, even though I don't really need it?
Mr.P drives a company truck, which he claims is the best kind of vehicle to have. I think it's a '99 Ford F200, but I've never paid much attention other than that it is white and huge. He also is the proud owner of Big Ugly, an '80 Chevy Truck that used to be a carryall for a seiner boat's nets & tackle. He had it rehabilitated but stopped before fixing anything exterior. (He likes humble stuff.) It is truly hideous and is used for garbage, sand, manure, etc. It is an absolute bear to drive.
cjhsa wrote:Done. It wasn't that big until I put in in an IMG box. Almost like it blew it up.
This is probably because you use IE6 and IE6 shrinks images (when you are viewing JUST the image and not a page) to fit the browser.
a dirty white one!
Remember Honda's old slogan "We make it simple"? Well, not only do they have relatively few options, they have few key combinations as well. A friend related a story where someone had come to visit them and borrowed their car for the day. The visitor went to the parking garage and found the first silver Honda whatever and took it for the day. Only later did they realize it was the wrong car. The person drove it all over town.
i just moved up from an '89 civic hatch to a '99 civic hatch. silver, this time. Algernon.
Sunday afternoon, after dog school - I couldn't figure out why Cleo wasn't coming to the car - well, d'oh - i'd gone to the wrong silver civic hatch - couldn't get the back lid open with my key. Slunk off - we were 3 cars over. Cleo got into that car. She was right. I was wrong.
'88 Ranger. Still a good work truck. 150,000 miles.
to quote the Moody Blues...
"thinking is the best way to travel"
so, when I'm not thinking, I drive a silver Ford Focus, 2001....
I found someone's coffee cup on my car....
'00 Dodge Neon.
Gets me from point A to point B @ 31 mpg.
s'about all it's good for, though.
Mileage pikers.
1996 VW Passat TDI (diesel) 231,000 (use 5-30w synthetic oil - change every 7 - 10,000 miles)
1989 Dodge Caravan 236,000 (Original motor & transmission. No overhaul)
the '89 civic had 274,000+ on it when I traded him in in April. I loved Egbert, but he was starting to be unreliable - the next repair was going to be a BIG one. <sigh> I miss my Egbert.
WOW... that's a LOT of miles!!!.... I doubt this Ford Focus will ever last that many miles!!!....
you know the acronym for "Ford"??....
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