Tue 30 Sep, 2003 06:30 pm
I've had two operations on my right knee, the last to replace the knee in 1980 - a 23 year old prothesis. Next week, my 47 year old son will have his third surgery on his right knee to remove torn cartilege. It's an attempt to save his knee until he is old enough to safely have the knee replaced. ---BumbleBeeBoogie
I'll pass this onto a friend of mine who may very well need this. Thanks!
You might check out safecrackers links on his fitness thread. I recall one of them mentioning that the age of the patient may make a difference in the size of the ball end they use - bigger being better. I was given the larger option because I was "young and active." It is hard to believe the relative size of the ball end makes a significant difference in cost when you factor in operating room, recovery room, hospital room, and physician charges.
Thanks, Butrflynet, what great news. Its what I've been looking forward to for so many years. Its too late for me, since my right knee is gone, but perhaps it can help my son to avoid having a total knee replacement.
Too late for my right knee also, BumbleBee.
Advances in orthopaedic surgery are miracles, indeed.
Have already sent this on to my Aunt Jane she will be so happy to hear the good news.
Hey, WH3, how you be?