Mon 30 Mar, 2009 01:24 pm
I have increasingly felt tired and exhausted, foggy and have a hard time concentrating, I easily get nauseated after I eat and I bloat if I eat carbs.
I drink lots of water, take calcium, Vt d, Vt c, and essential fatty acids.I am 52 years old and have never ever felt like this before. I already have gone through menopause. I don't smoke, have a glass of wine on a Friday night, ONE only.
I eat healthy, lots of fresh fruits and vegs.
It's a real mix of symptoms, but you should have your thyroid checked and ask your doctor about Metabolic Syndrome.
@Green Witch,
Green witch, would that cause me to gain weight no matter what...I can't seem to lose weight, not that I am grossly overweight but I do have to REALLY watch what I eat, I can gain 5-8lbs over night and 8-10lbs ina week, so I have to be REALLY REALLY cautious in what I eat. Never had the problem before but it has been about two years of struggling and progressively getting worse as time goes on.
Low thyroid can definitely be a cause of weight gain/hard to lose weight. But get a doctor to check you out. If you do have a low thyroid, you will need hormone replacement therapy. It's just a pill, once a day.
You need a physical. Be sure to get checked for diabetes and low blood sugar. Have you ever had a colonoscopy?
Yes, Google Metabolic Syndrome and thyroid and you will see how they fit your symptoms. It is fairly common in someone your age.