Thanks for doing the right thing Obama.---BBB
Obama retreats on vets insurance plan
Posted by Margaret Talev - McClatchy Blog
Veterans groups and, yes, the president's fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill, said no way to the administration's bid to save $500 million by having veterans go through private insurance for treatments for combat- and service-related injuries.
Perhaps the administration did not anticipate what fury they would be unleashing from a constituency so important to a new president with no military experience who is seeking to build trust and credibility as he moves troops out of Iraq and into Afghanistan.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs issued a statement a few minutes ago,saying the president has instructed the third-party billing plan "be dropped" from consideration. Gibbs said the thought behind the idea was "to maximize the resources available for veterans" but that Obama was sensitive to veterans' concerns the shift could affect their access to health care. So this appears to be over; but at what political cost to Obama?