i sent you a pm. relationships in high school are hard. everyone is going to go thru them. when you truly love someone you HAVE to follow your heart. but if you want to be with him, then try it again and see how things go. if things dont work out then it probably wasnt meant to be. i really dont know much about relationships, ive only been in 1 since 8th grade. (i went out with a guy off and on for 4 years) and it was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. my real father is never there for me so i never rely on him for anything, so the love i got from my boyfriend meant the world to me... and that saying "you never know what you have until you lose it" is 150% true. if you truly love someone, you'll realize that. but PLEASE dont put yourself in my position and lie to him about it, be honest and you'll thank yourself for being truthful later on. lies are EXTREMELY bad.. trust me. they get you no where except hurt. i can understand that your probably confused about this whole thing, but i'd rather be confused about a relationship then with a broken heart... and seeing him everyday knowing at any time he could get with another girl. my boyfriend says that he'll love me no matter what because of the **** we've been thru, and i trust him. he never lied to me about anything, and i dont know why i was ignorant and lied to him.

but now that i dont have him i cry EVERYDAY, and think about him every waking moment and how badly i wish i could take what i did back. so no one would be hurt and i would still have him. i wake up in the mornings thinking, "well ****, my day is going to be horrible." so, just follow your heart and your true feelings.