Adding a plutonic element to any relationship- male/female, male/male, female/female- would surely result in toxicity and contamination.
I think you meant platonic. I figured it was a typo - so I made a joke- you know plutonic - plutonium...radiation sickness....
Anyway - yes, deep platonic friendships with the opposite sex are the BOMB! (another even lamer joke).
My life would be NOTHING without my deep platonic friendships with members of the opposite sex.
It's just so much more interesting to talk to someone who sees things from the opposite side of the gender divide and a different angle than you do.
We talk about different things in a different way - AND- none of my women friends like to play backgammon. Only my male friends. Isn't that weird?
The only woman friend I have who will play backgammon with me and enjoy it, is my best female friend - and truth be told- she has a lot of male-like personality characteristics.
But to the original poster - if you like this guy - let him do the playing on someone else - watch, scold, advise, but don't put yourself in harms way - but just be his friend. That way you can still have the benefit of all the things you like about him without having to eventually hate him because he treated you like ****.
That's what I'd do.