2 Krispy Kreme Donuts and coffee with sugar and Coffeemate French Vanilla creamer.
Should have enough sugar to get going today!
(Raises cream filled to Swimpy - another woman with great taste!)
half of a warmed kaiser with all peanut peanut butter, double fruit strawberry jam. a lil wedge of 3 year old cheddar. a beer stein full of earl grey tea with fat free french vanilla creamer.
left over cold pizza and a red bull
A croissant and a cheese croissant today, eaten in a hurry. From V&D rather than Bakery Bond en Smulders - so not quite the same thing, but will do. Yesterday two croissants and two raisin buns (from Bond en Smulders, yes).
Ya sorta inspired me, nimh.
Picked up 2 croissants and a package of mini-danishes at the bakery yesterday.
This morning it was leftovers mixed with new stuff.
Had a turkey/cheddar sandwich from Friday that hadn't been eaten. Soooo, warmed the croissant slightly - took apart the sandwich - cut up the cheese and turkey - fried up some turkey bacon - then put some turkey and cheese into some eggs and made a small turkey/cheese omelette for myself - had it with some turkey bacon and the croissant. Verrrra good! The dogs got most of the turkey and cheddar and some omelette. It worked out nicely for all of us. Ohhhhh, and they got the last nigiri from yesterday.
Sounds good ebeth.
I breakfasted today with two scones with clotted cream and jam (and a pot of tea).
Coffee and a stale donut while standing
Coffee and multi-grain pancakes with dried blueberries and praline maple syrup.
Slice of pizza, glass of milk, a large orange.
Croissant from Au Bon Pain
Earl Grey tea
No coffee
Quote:praline maple syrup.
Leftover barbeque steak, old white cheddar (balderson's - yum) and cucumbers. It was supposed to be lunch.
Are you still craving it?
I had Chocolate Lucky Charms, soy milk, a kiwi[fruit], and Vernors.
Cinnesthesia wrote:
Are you still craving it?...
Oh yeah.
Sunday morning I got the newspaper off the porch and there was a
promotional-size packet of Dunkin' Donuts coffee inside the plastic bag
the paper comes in. I felt as if I were being taunted.
Aren't Sundays technically exempt from Lenten promises? If you strictly count 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter, isn't that how it works?
True, but I decided to go all in on this one.
The devout husband explained that he simply
couldn't make love to his new bride.
"Why not?" she asked.
"It's Lent."
"What?!?!?! To whom and for how long?"
Two cups of Earl Grey tea and one hot chocolate.
I'm going to regret not having had breakfast. JoeBlow's Balderson sounds good - was it 3 year old?
I dont think I had any breakfast today .. <frowns>
Realises: oh yeah, of course. Its cause it was Monday. Working on Monday sucks. None of the good-bread places are open on Monday morning.