I've never had that salami effect happen. Yet.
If you can't find the grinders sometime soon, I'll bring you some when I go to Ohio in the spring. I'll leave them in an unmarked package at the Tim Horton's closest to the bridge
Hahaha. You're sweet. Just don't leave em at the tunnel, or someone might think it's a bag of explosives...
today was junk food day.
i had an egg sandwich (2 eggs) with cheese and ham fried with just a very small amount of olive oil.
heaven.... i'm in heaven...
i only ate half of it though. gave the other half to the hungry bugs at the bottom of mr. garbage can. probably should have kept it in the fridge for lunch though.
i have the usual. apple cider vinegar... and black coffee. yummm. :-(
...you had apple cider vinegar? hehehe
yep, my favorite breakfast food..... NOT
2 wasa crackerbread with cottage cheese and apple slices
on top. Espresso.
I need all the help I can get this morning
I had lays wavy chips dipped in Cream Cheese, yummy (I have no money for groceries)
i need to go grocery shopping too. needed to for more than a week now.
Raisin bran muffin.
Too much coffee.
I have GOT to stop carbo-loading!
I had something called "Raisin Nut Bran" from General Mills (cereal). I really can't recommend it - it's too sweet. Kellogg's Raisin Bran is much better.
Good to know. I always look at the sugar content of
cereals and the variance is quite high. Unfortunately,
the kids cereal is alway high in sugar, and my child
won't eat the healthy kind, so I limited cereal to once
a week for her.
Wait until she's a teenager and eats a whole box a day.
i did some comparing (esp. since most people knock the sugar content in frosted flakes) ...and most people will be surprised it's 1 gram less than MOST healthy cereals. it also contains more vitamins.
i did not check every kid cereal just the one i can never get enough of. ...or maybe that's it. i can easily just eat one bowl of a healthy cereal, but can eat a kid-one all day.
smartstart is also a favorite cereal of mine.
cjhsa wrote:Wait until she's a teenager and eats a whole box a day.

...and then says "There's nothing to eat!"
ehBeth, Zane... grinders, unmarked packages, the Ambassador Bridge?
I have a few spice grinders, but I make my own blend of good quality cocoa powder, granulated sugar and cinnamon--- put it in a shaker, use on toast, whipped cream, plain cereal, etc.
My grandfather used to tell us about making toast with butter and sugar on it. He called it "white man's french toast." I found out later that was a total euphemism!
Oh oh...you know I've heard that one before.
instead of raisin bran, i prefer bran with raisin and currants(from our local 'green store') . now i can have as many scoops as i want - or none . hbg
cold pizza and a quart of CA fortified OJ. Ate it all in tthe truck , on the road to Woolrich Pa.