When I awaken in the morning, I'm going to have coffee, oatmeal and toast. I'm looking forward to it. But for now, I'm going to bed.
Goodnight. See all tomorrow.
Goodnight, Lola, and good morning to me!
Making tea and scrounging around again.
good morning, JoanD (was it morning?)
I was very tempted to try a version of the Atkins/Zone thing. Went to the doctor to talk it over - i thought she'd be pleased i was going to try a diet - whewwwwww was i wrong. i got the lecture of a lifetime. here's the moral of that story. don't mention the atkins/zone thing to a doctor (2 co-workers told me the same thing about mentioning it to their doc). Sad, cuz it looks like a diet that i'd like.
Mikey - that breakfast sounds quite substantial - enough for a small group at a brunch! I'm not going to miss out meeting you on the Cape again. I'll try to find your place right around breakfast. %; D
dlowan's another mainliner? i thought bubbles would be a healthier lass.
Coffee for me, today in a demitasse cup I bought last year and for some reason never used. At home I only drink coffee in teeny cups, it stays much more hot that way -- I don't care for luke warm coffee... or even moderately warm. It must nearly scald my tongue.
Mikey's breakfast does sound substantial. I don't even know what those puddings are! I think I"d like an omelet, but I'm hours away from eating.
Having my first cup of Devonshire English Breakfast Tea from Celestial Seasonings. Found some interesting left-overs - Shanghai style noodles (lotsa bbq'd pork and soya chicken bits) with an extra container of the green onion/garlic/ginger in oil dressing. I'm heating up the noodles, mixing an Omega-3 egg with the green dressing, and i'm gonna stir the eggses into the noodles. Having some kind of university-days-flashback.
Bethie - That sounds good .... Thanks for the reminder... going now to click!
edited -- and clicked! so easy, I wish more people would do it.
Got some woeful looks from the doggies, so an extra Omega3 egg was added to the mix. The verdict was .... Delicious!
Time for more tea soon. Only 1 more round of clicks to go.
Saving calories for wine? :wink:
Swimpy wrote:mmmmm donuts
for a second, i thought there was another canajun on the site :wink:
Have a hard time with the concept of breakfast this am. On one hand, I think it is a good "idea" and it battles with reality as in "oooooh, that's alot of work to go to".
Beth, That's my Homer Simpson impression.
oh dear, more public evidence that i am not a t.v. watcher.
Nothing to be ashamed of. I should be the one with the red face. I can quote any number of TV characters. Maybe I should find something more intellectually challenging to do with my free time?
Yes, Beth, I was trying to save those calories for the good stuff, but I've broken down this morning and eaten french toast and orange juice with my coffee. The kids were up and it was just too tempting. Now it's time to run to the gym. Exercise, exercise. Boo! Don't you wish it was healthy to sit around all day, read a book, play on the internet?