brew me a tea instead of a coffee, and mikey's breakfast sounds perfectly decadent and decadently perfect.
Is there a season for lobster bisque?
I wanna make sure i don't miss it!
coffee for breakfast and just now my first food - vegetable barely soup. Organic - the lot of it.
cheaper in the fall if you have to buy the lobster or meat. canned or frozen is the cheapest way to go this time of year. someone gave me a few lbs. i could never afford to buy it at $30 per lb.
C.I. = you go into many a take-away and order a regular coffee and they think you're crazy. It's latte this, capachino, that, esspreso those and more concoctions than Macbeths witches. Regular coffee seems to become an afterthough, "you want regular ? what's that ?"
I pump my own coffee from the dispenser that says "regular."

mountain chai tea
2 chocolate crunch cookies
scavenging for a piece of 3 year old balderson cheddar
i may have to have a piece of emmentaler instead
onion, red pepper and cheese omelete, corned beef hash, bacon, pan fried scali bread, coffee
scali bread? what's that?
like italian, sliced, kinda soft but tastes good. bakery in the supermarket makes it.
The old standby, Cheerios and Tea, with an extravagant addition of Orange Juice (enhanced with extra vitamin C and vitamin E for good measure.)
Had my regular today, but the coffee shop reduced the size of "regular" to "small." ;( c.i.
Fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt + OJ
i'm starving
went out to take the dogs to the groomer after my cookies and tea, got back 7 hours later
the dogs have had treats and are snoozing
i'm surveying the options here
breakfast food for dinner, maybe?
scali breads sounds good, mikey.
We had waffles for dinner! Breakfast for dinner is good.
Goodness, NH is wearing a cj suit! Confusion reigns.
Her avatar. You used to have one that was unique, and I associated it with you. Now you've changed it, to the one I associate with cj. And now I'm all confused, you see.