Brian has decided that every Saturday morning we have waffles, and every Sunday night we have roast chicken with gravy. I like to have traditions where everybody sits down and enjoys meals together, so I don't mind the predictability. I'm just glad he hasn't demanded something expensive every week, like veal chops or standing rib roast or foie gras or something!
Coffee and raisin toast.
(Pepperidge Farm cinnamon raisin swirl with Land O'Lakes unsalted butter.)
I just had oatmeal for lunch today.
Is that OK?
As far as I'm concerned, you can have breakfast food three to five meals a day. Breakfast is happy.
I do too. Oatmeal is so good and comforting and wonderful. You can almost forget it's healthy too! What a bonus.
I'm heading out in a few minutes for brunch with my friends from college who I haven't seen in years.
I got up a while ago and didn't want to be completely starving (i.e. cranky) when I arrived to brunch, so I made a pot of tea and a bowl of Cheerios to tide me over.
I've had 3 cups of tea already. Weird. More than i usually have in a whole day.
Bacon and eggs and rye toast to share with the dogs.
Oatmeal is one of my favourite comfort foods. I like it best on a cold afternoon or evening. I always keep a packet or two of instant oatmeal in my desk at work.
About a year ago, when our manager got walked out, people kept coming to me asking for oatmeal. Seems it's comfort food for a lot of us.
I love cheerios. I love the way they smell. They're great with bananas or berries, but with raisins don't go very well.
5:00 am, and i'm eating dorito's listening to the buc' thump on the 49'ers on the radio.
Two sausage rolls with tomato sauce, a pint of strawberry milk, a drink of coke and a cigarette.
Regular, but a wee bit later on the clock.

errrrrr, Wilso, what's in those sausage rolls? that is, what's used to call it sausage?
I cooked up some cinnamon rolls this morning, nothing like starting out on a sugar high!
I dont particularly like Oatmeal but, I am a great fan of Cream of Wheat, and probably one of the few left in the world..its a comfort food for me as well.
I could also do breakfast food all day.
I've got instant oatmeal, cream of wheat and grits for comfort emergencies. and then real oatmeal for pampering time. hmmmmmm i think i may have some red river cereal as well (flax hot cereal)
toast with almond butter this am..... and a cuppa
apple butter can be a comfort at times, been a long time though
Tea is a comfort food to me. And, yeah, cream of wheat.
mmmmmmm apple butter on cheese bread toast. that's something i used to adore on weekends. haven't had it in years, maybe a decade or more!