Actuallyl, it's past lunch time, so I'll report on my fast food lunch. I had salmon teriyaki with salad, maki-sushi, soup, rice and hot green tea - all for $4.95.

Maybe we should start a "What did you have for lunch?" topic!
My breakfast was the end of the coffee and a balance bar. For lunch I had a hamburger -- no bun. I'm still hungry (looking around). Sushi would be really, really good. I may have to go up to the market and get some. Salmon Teriyaki... I've never even had but I like them separately.
I picked that Avatar because I was getting dumped on on Abuzz. It's my dumpster diving outfit. I'm going to change it soon as I've found A2K a friendlier place.
You gonna dump the rubber suit, too, or just the mask?
What? You haven't found this to be a friendly place? Now I'm offended.
Hi Piffka, please reread my post. I just haven't changed my clothes yet. Any suggestions?
By the way, it's red leather, not rubber. I used to be a Romantics groupie... heheheheh!
Free advice I'm always willing to dispense, chjsa... we're friendly here.
I'd pick one that appeals to you if you're paging through lists of avatars, but you go past it thinking there's more... though you still are considering that one. That's the one!
I'm also partial to an avatar with eyes... but not too many ala Monger.
Color is good, but unless it is truly a photograph of you, I'd stay away from photographs of models.
There is a forum site called somethingScotland or Scotlandsomething. (Sorry, I cannot remember, if you can't find it... I'll go look.) There were several, I thought, extremely good avatars and emoticons there.
It is better if you don't get one like somebody else on this forum -- I get Booman and Peace and Love mixed up a alot. Also Dyslexia and Bibliophile EVEN THOUGH their's are different colored eyes.
Some particularly good avatars in my opinion are littlek's squashed fairy (don't worry, fairies don't die from squashing), cicerone impostor's big grinning face and D'Artagnan's pyramid. There was a woman named Estrella who had a great one, but I haven't seen her posting lately. Phoenix has a good one. Dlowan's is funny and the source of endless amusements.
Remember... these are the totally prejudiced opinion of somebody named Piffka! Happy Hunting!
PS -- Quick, say something about breakfast... somebody is coming and they're going fuss that this is not an approved digression.
cjh, You won't need that mask here on A2K. The air is fine, and the people too! Maybe you can consider another avatar more in line with your 'real' personality.

I had nothing for breakfast, too busy.......and for lunch, peanut butter and jelly sandwich with green grapes and water. Now for dinner, I'm going to make up for the deprevation.
Cjhsa -- See -- here's a couple of nice avatars. Lola's is great, too, but you gotta have the (well I'd say balls, but that's not quite right!) confidence to handle the commentary.
Lola -- No breakfast? Haven't you found out about the wonders of an eat-it-in-1-minute balance bar? I think my preference is the Balance Gold Carmel Nut Blast -- it tastes like a Snickers bar! Perfectly set up for the Zone Diet, 40-30-30 nutrition, and makes you feel full for four hours. The best thing about them is they go well with coffee... and without coffee I may as well hang it up immediately and just go back to bed.
Just want to blow you all out the water with today's big surprise: this morning was oatmeal -- but, get this: no raisins!
On the subject of breakfast: it was four hours ago! When's lunch?
(Piffka - on the subject of mixing up people's avatars, I've occasionally had that problem with yours and ossobuco's for some reason. I like them both. Maybe because they both have sweet faces looking down...)
Salmon on toast with diet coke. Small valentine candy hearts (5 ).
Well, surprise, surprise. Our son cooked some potatos and eggs. I still went out for me coffee and paper.

Sounds good to me. How about french fries and fried eggs?
Too much cholesterol?
2nd breakfast: bagel and coffee. Gotta go stand in a lab for four hours later. Must fortify my round self.
NH, Eating eggs less than twice a week is okay. The only time I break that rule is when I travel, and I eat breakfast almost every morning - usually bacon and eggs. I figure eating smart over 90 percent of the time is a good regimen for most of us.... c.i.
So, how do you like me now?