Fried tilapia and potatoes with bacon. Tea with brandy for me. Movenpick coffee, strong and hearty, for Setanta. He's making bread now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reindeer breakfast steaks, found a group of them running around on the roof last night. Got one as he was jumping off. Hmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm. Good eating for the next month!
My wife and I went to the local coffee shop, yes they're open today and on New Years Day, and had coffee, glazed donut, and paper. c.i.
Wasn't the paper rather hard to swallow, c.i.?
Yeah, some of those articles are 'hard' to believe, and I'm not ready to swallow everything I read. c.i.
The dogs and I shared a slice of the bread Setanta baked yesterday. Waiting for Setanta to rise and be shiny so we can figure out what's on the menu.
But, didn't Setanta have a Hard Day's Night? Needs that rest!
Scrambled eggs and popovers. (Eggs were from the farm local to my folks' house, popovers I made last night with dinner and warmed up this morning. Yum yum!)
And tea. Mustn't forget the tea.
miss farm fresh eggs!!!!!! specially those CT farm fresh eggs for some darn reason
Does CT hens lay better eat'n eggs? c.i.
Better than whatever it is that lays the eggs for the store stuff...ICK!!
Those CT farm fresh eggs (soooo fresh, organic, free range, hormone free, and we know the farmers personally -- Steve used to work there) are the BEST! So's the milk. Doesn't taste like supermarket. Tastes like real food.
Nearly a religious experience.
Someday I think I'll raise my own chickens. So I can have the best eggs all the time.
Good to see you, quinn1!
i made bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, coffee and fried scali bread for an old homeless fisherman friend that stayed here last night. couldn't let him sleep in his truck on christmas, way to cold.
Sounds like a great breakfast, and a great friend.
last of the mohicans we are so to speak here. govt hates us,, i ain't gonna get started. nope, nope, nope.
Very nice of you to give him a warm place to stay on Christmas! The winter is hard on a lot of people.
Where's your friend today?
For breakfast today I had... let's see, coffee, more coffee, and then a chocolate brownie. Little bit later I had some left-over chili rellanos... just for the protein!
Irish Sausages, soda bread, eggs, coffee, yummy!
You mean the Irish don't call them "bangers?"

No, c.i., but the English do:) Either way, they taste great!