Buckley threatened to punch Vidal out in that debate.
A pox on the Media
I say a pox on the Media. Because they chase ratings at the lowest common denominator, they think that verbal combat in the form of yelling, interrupting, spinnings, etc. is what the public wants---and probably does in the main. I think that format is just entertainment, not enlightenment.
As for Charlie Rose, I admire him but I am getting more annoyed with him lately. He has one bad habit that I wish he would toss. He loves the sound of his own voice. He talks too much when asking his guest questions and it sometimes takes forever for him to shut up and let his guest reply. He also asks the guest a question and before the guest can answer he puts words into the mouth of his guest instead of letting the guest present his own thoughts. I wonder if anyone has taken Rose to task for this bad habit that mars an otherwise brilliant interviewer?
Yes, he did. Another classic, of course, was the Dick Cavett show with Vidal and Mailer.
I saw an interview on the weekend with Al Frankin and Carlson Tucker. Too quick, too short-attention-span, too many breaks but some fun nonetheless.
Carlson did mention (this is also in his book) an incident where he and Bush and Hughes had been in a plane together and Bush had said "****" a number of times. Carlson noted this in something he wrote (he didn't mind it), and Hughes told everyone it hadn't happened. He called her up, and she said again it didn't happen. Carlson said it was the only time he was lied to when both parties KNEW it was a lie.
Mr. Blatham is correct. George W. Bush has a "potty-mouth".
Bill Clinton never talked that way, right?
from SHADOW-BY Bob Woodward- P. 450
"Clinton said: Louis Freeh is a goddam ******* asshole"
What language!!
However, most of the time, Clinton was more circumspect, he just let his "cigar" do the talking.
If it hadn't been for the DNA, he might have gotten away with the lie he told the American people on TV>
Do they have TV in Canada? If they do, it is clear to me that Blatham doesn't watch it very closely.
Because Blatham is a Canadian who obviously doesn't know what he should know about the USA and is full of half-truths, he is not aware that Bill Buckley apologized to Gore Vidal, yet Gore Vidal, who has an overweening sense of his own importance, never reciprocated.
In Bill Buckley's book- "The Governor Listeth"
Buckley says:
The imputation of it(faggotry) in anger is not justified, which is why I herewith apologize to Gore Vidal."
end of quote
I would suggest that Mr Blatham learn more about the subject. He obviously doesn't know that Buckley apologized.
There is a great deal that Mr. Blatham doesn't know.
Gore Vidal is a pathetic narcissist.
One of the greatest literary critics in the USA(Harold Bloom) wrote in "The Western Canon" P. 21.
"The historical novel seems to have been permanently devalued. Gore Vidal once said to me, with bitter eloquence, that his outspoken sexual orientation had denied him canonical status. What seems likelier is that Vidal's best fictions are distinguished historical novels--Lincoln, Burr and several more--and this subgenre is no longer available for canonization"
end of quote
Buckley did apoligize but it is no wonder than he reacted in anger to a pouty narcissus like Vidal.
I am currently enrolled in a Great Books class and a question was raised that no one could answer-
to wit: Is Vidal a pitcher or a catcher?
Can anyone help?
Rose does do what you claim, and it annoys me as well. But it doesn't seem to annoy his guests in the way one would expect, possibly because they are being mannerly on what is a very mannerly show.