Sat 27 Sep, 2003 07:30 pm
I think it is Diarrhea
Diarrhea-(di·ar·rhe·a also di·ar·rhoe·a) n. Excessive and frequent evacuation of watery feces, usually indicating gastrointestinal distress or disorder
I Love the fact that it is a noun!
Eructate is pretty out there...but any word is hilarious if you say it often enough.
Defenestrate and flocculent are fun, too.
What does that even mean?
Linguistically speaking, 'yeasts'.....say it over and over and you'll know what I mean. I guarentee a laugh.
Yeah, i did laugh. But diarrhea has more gross out quality, even though yeast has a pretty large gross out quality. It will never NEVER stack up with DIARRHEA!
Diarrhea is no laughing matter, CL!
I don't know why, but toast is a funny word.
Tantamount is ok.
Sounds like it means having sex with your aunt, if you speak German, though...
I've always considered stamp to be a very, very funny word. I'm not sure why, but it just cracks me up.
Just saying it makes me smile. Sometimes plethora but I think that it's the context it's heard in.
All of these words are funny(some more than others).
But none hold a candle to DIARRHEA!!!
What's the funniest language?
I like:
Cornucopia ('Horn of plenty')
Molluscs (the 'scs' is amusing if pronounced correctly)