I gave my opinion, twice. Obama's only been President for a month. Reasonable people know that it takes time to effect change.
In pursuing this, you are showing yourself not to be a part of the set "reasonable people."
I'm not anti-war, per se. I'm anti-stupid-war. It was obvious to me from the beginning that the Iraq invasion was a stupid war.
Really? You provided a couple short responses as to your beliefs, wrapped around a snarky answer or two (as provided). But I've asked you to comment on the anti-war left as a whole; why are you so hesitant to criticize (or commend, if that's the way you feel) other's who spout what I believe are your same political beliefs?
You have no problem criticizing (and ridiculing) those you disagree politically with; why not those you consider allies?
I've read your posts for awhile here, DD, and you seem to firmly entrenched on the left. Am I mistaken? I realize it is difficult to pigeonhole individuals - I'm pro-abortion and for gay marriage, for example, but firmly conservative in most other areas - but I believe I have a good handle on your beliefs from your posts.
I'm really bothered by this political correctness, this inability to judge, this being frightened of being accused of being disloyal, or whatever the reason to toe the party line from the left. We saw this with only the most partisan of repubs when it came to Bush; here, it seems to be mandatory if one wants to call oneself 'progressive'.
So to clarify: You believe the anti-war left, who oppose war in every way and took to the streets in massive protests, calling Bush a war criminal, are now simply waiting, because war can't be turned on a dime? Even though Obama went back on his campaign promise re Iraq?
It just doesn't have the ring of sincerity, does it?
Me? I’m actually glad Obama didn’t sacrifice Iraq for political expediency, as it appeared he was going to do when he was elected. I’m also glad to see he is taking Afghanistan seriously. I thought pressure from the left and the Afghan gov was going to prevent the use of drone bombers, which would put our soldiers at risk.
To my surprise, the left has been silent. A good thing, but it puzzles me. (And the reason for this thread).
In some ways, Obama is pragmatic, which is a good thing when it comes to our military…
BTW, I'm really not trying to take shots here, and I appreciate you sticking it out. I'm just curious about how people who appear so passionate in their beliefs can suddenly become so quiet and passive...
Your responses from earlier...
My point is that rational people understand that any large undertaking, such as war, cannot be turned on a dime. Further, Obama has made it clear that there is a difference between the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
You're trolling here, as others have pointed out. I'd suggest that if you haven't gotten any bites here, that you should try casting your line elsewhere.
Well, hell! He's been in office for a whole month, now! He must have solved all of Earth's woes!
Poor alone voice....