@kitkat bar,
Quote: I don't want to hurt myself and I don't want to hurt him. I think serving the country is a very noble thing to do, but I want his mind to be clear when he goes. I don't want his head mixed up with feelings about me. He signed up for 6 years which means I will probably never see him again. I just don't know what to do. Do I go with it as long as it will last, or cut it off short so no one gets hurt?
KitKat, believe it or not, you can't take responsibility for other peoples feelings. It does a disservice to them (because you can't trust them with their own feelings), and to you (because reality is, you can't control another persons feelings, and trying to do so just drains you of energy).
Also, worrying about another persons feelings clouds your judgement of where this is going for you (and if it's not going anywhere for you, then there is no point)
That is to say - make your decision on what you want and need in life (the decision will become clearer to you then). After you know what you want, then you weigh his feelings into the equation and make the best possible decision you can (but try not to make a decision in a way that removes his ability to make his own decisions, which is a disrespectful method - eg. You won't be able to handle this, therefore I won't let you) .