slkshock7 wrote:
There's probably a reason "nobody wants to buy the assets"...and the Govt shouldn't buy them either for the exact same reason. If the banks can't sell, then write them off as a loss....
Wow, you really don't get it.
can't write those assets off as 'a loss,' they owe
far more than they possibly could cover. You are basically saying they should close their doors immediately and fail. Our largest banks all failing at the same time, with their assets simply vanishing, would be much worse than a few years of nationalization.
Quote:There are lots of banks that aren't failing
No, there are not. Not major ones anyway. And the smaller ones are dependent on the big ones to survive in our current climate.
Quote:....and the deposits of us little guys are guaranteed up to $250K by the FDIC....
Haha, do you really believe this?
If the banks who are currently insolvent were allowed to fail, the FDIC could not cover 1/100th of the money invested. Do you just think they have a huge pile of gold somewhere, waiting for this to happen? They do not. Instead inflation would go through the roof and that would be Very Bad right now.
Quote:so why does the bank get to hold a gun to our heads to bail them out by buying useless assets nobody in the right mind would buy?
You don't seem to understand that Nationalization of the banks is not 'bailing them out.' It's firing their leadership and seizing all their assets. The US government then owns those assets - which will not be worthless forever, the current liquidity freeze will thaw someday and those mortgages will have SOME value.