Sun 8 Feb, 2009 01:26 pm
I have a bump about the size of a Lima bean under my skin on my upper thigh. Its red on the surface of the skin, but it doesn't hurt unless i touch it. What is it and should i be concerned?
You should be very concerned....not because of the lump...but because you decided to ask the question of a bunch of people who will haggle over the expression, "Is the sky blue?"
Don't you think a medical doctor would be a better idea?
It is probably just an infected cyst or big pimple--something we used to call 'boils' when we were kids. It will probably come to a head, burst, the pus drains out, and it goes away.....BUT.....Frank is right that this is not the place to have it diagnosed. Go see your doctor just in case it is something that does need prompt attention.
(If it is a spider bite or something like that, it needs attention NOW)
Goldy, Your upper thigh is near a number of important glands. It may well be harmless, but there might be a good reason for removing it. Please see a doctor. Soon.
That lump is pretty big. I agree with those who suggest a doctor.
As the lump is partially external, it will be very easy to biopsy if a doctor is stumped by just what it is. You are in a good position to learn what you have in your skin; I'd find out. And, I doubt that your first stop need be a dermatologist; a GP would quite probably recognize this critter.
The fact that it is sore to the touch is a very good sign that it is nothing more serious than a localized infection. But nevertheless, much better to be safe than sorry.
Dude, cut it open and see what's inside.