House pubbies to a man refuse Oinkbama pork bill

Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 06:58 am


Yesterday, just eight days after the inauguration, President Obama had his £576bn so-called stimulus bill passed by the House of Representatives - but without a single vote from any Republican.

All 177 House Republicans opposed the bill. None of them fell for that 'bi-partisan' tripe, which is Democrat code for 'do it our way.'

Which gives me hope for the Republican Congressmen. Forget about 'change.' They know an old-style, Democrat pork-barrel piece of legislation - that is, a Bill designed to pay off or buy votes from vested interests - when they see one, and they aren't going to back it.

Congressman Eric Cantor, one of the leading House Republicans, says an analysis of the Bill shows it is mostly pork: just 12 cents of every dollar in the spending will go to any genuine economic stimulus, such as creating jobs.

Yet Obama was keen to have support from the Republicans. He didn't get it, because what he really wanted was submission from the Republicans.

Clearly the Republicans on the Hill don't reckon they are going to get any backlash from the voters in their districts because they have given a No to The One. They understand that already their voters don't like what Obama is doing, or indeed the arrogance with which he is doing it.

Just two days after the inauguration, when Republican legislators told the president they objected to the massive spending bill, Obama dismissed them with two words: 'I won.'

That was a particularly stupid mistake by the new president. Hard-left Democrats may cheer at such gloating, but most Americans don't like that kind of contempt being shown to Congress.

Indeed, as the American website Politico points out, with those two words 'Obama brought the curtain down on the 48-hour era of bipartisanship.' He liberated the Republicans from any mainstream media pressure to offer support to Democrat policies. He dismissed 'bi-partisanship,' so why shouldn't they?

The big spending and the big arrogance are why Obama's support is already falling. During the transition from the Bush administration to the new administration - that is, during the weeks in which Obama kept near-quiet and had to do nothing - his ratings in the Gallup opinion poll were 83 percent. After just three days in office, Gallup showed his support had already dropped by 15 points to 68 percent.

As any economist will tell you, what is important in a statistic is not the number, it's the trend. In this case, the trend is down, and fast. Americans are already having buyer's regret about their new president.

Then of course there is his naiveté in foreign policy. A few days ago he gave an embarrassingly-wet interview on Arab-owned television and offered unconditional talks to Iran.

Iranian president Ahmadinejad replied, as one knew he would, with a fierce demand that he wouldn't talk to Obama until the Americans had issued an apology - ie, grovelled - for unspecified 'crimes' and had withdrawn all their troops from all other countries.

(Note: some countries in the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait actually want the American forces there. I don't. But then, I alas am not the king of Saudi Arabia nor one of the ruling al-Sabahs of Kuwait. And judging by my brief time with one of the al-Sabahs, more the pity for Kuwait.)

And there is Obama's naiveté about Islamic terrorists. He wants to close the prison at Guantanamo.

Fine by me. But he has made that his policy without first figuring out where he is going to put the 245 remaining inmates, some of whom are undoubtedly keen to get back to the job of mass-murdering.

Two men already released from Gitmo turned up six days ago on a video posted on a jihadist website. A US counter-terrorism official told AFP news service that one of them is a Saudi man called Abu Sufyan al-Azdi al-Shahri who on his release was taken into the senior ranks of Al-Qaeda in Yemen.

If he or any of the other 245 turns up as part of another jihadist atrocity, the new president is going to have to have more to say than, 'Gosh, whoops.'

And he is going to have to find another job after 2012. By that time, Americans will be looking for change they can believe in.

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Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:02 am
Question in my mind... what's acorn supposed to be doing with $5b USD??

I couldn't even guess as to membership for that organization but if you were to assume it was somewhere around 200,000, that would be about $25,000 per man. The only limit in that one is human imagination...
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:05 am
Some people are really stupid. It's funny when one of them quotes another one.

Obama's gallup job approval from the day he took office. There is no 15 point drop.

Gallup states Obama starts with a 68% approval rating
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:07 am
Just one of the many spending favors the Dummycrats slam into a so called stimulus bill.

These asshole in the Democrats in the House refuse to act responsibly and so far, there is no change that I can believe in.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:10 am
It is also funny when they complain about ACORN. The organization has been around for 40 years, and has been into voter registration and political action, as well as community programs of a non-political character, for the entire 40 years. But the rightwingnuts only began peeing in their pants about ACORN after McCain's campaign started making hysterical charges about them.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:11 am
just using the numbers from the article,

2 from 245 gives you a recidivism rate of 1%, if law enforcement in america announced tomorrow that the recidivism rate had dropped to 1%, everyone would see that as a major victory

Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:18 am
It's more interesting in this juxtaposition:

Two men already released from Gitmo . . .

and . . .

If he or any of the other 245 turns up as part of another jihadist atrocity, the new president is going to have to have more to say than, 'Gosh, whoops.'

It is rightwingnut hysteria which claims that the current administration is going to just cut those 245 prisoners loose. But more importantly, this Chicken Little type here is using the example of people who were released during Baby Bush's administration.

If anyone will be saying "oops" over this canard, it will be Bush . . . but don't count on it.

Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:23 am
HOW EXACTLY does giving money to ACORN stimulate the economy.

We all know what ACORN is, chump.

Justify including this spending into a stimulus bill and how it creates jobs.

According to the President, that is the purpose of this bill.
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Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:28 am
Given your propensity for calling people names, and my decision quite some time ago not to engage in pointless ****-slinging with rightwingers, you needn't expect a response from me.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:34 am
yeah, i didn't want to overload his brain by bringing up the bush bit
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:37 am
That is because you are ashamed of your Democratic Party for attaching spending programs into a so called economic stimulus bill.

For once, I would like to see a Democrat tell the truth and stop calling this House bill a stimulus bill and call it what it is, a SPENDING/WELFARE bill.

I know you would never be honest, chump.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:39 am
I am neither a Democrat, nor a chump. I am not surprised to see you calling people names, because it's the most potent weapon in your otherwise pathetic rhetorical arsenal. I will be happy to address this non-issue at such time as someone addressed the topic in a manner which is neither hysterical, nor accompanied by gratuitous insults to other members.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:58 am
Shoving a spending plan into a "stimulus" bill is a non-issue? Drunk
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Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:59 am
Claiming that funds are being handed over to ACORN is a non-issue.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:00 am
"I think it may be time ... for the president to kind of get a hold of these Democrats in the Senate and the House, who have rather significant majorities, and shake them a little bit and say, 'Look, let's do this the right way,'" McConnell said. "I can't believe that the president isn't embarrassed about the products that have been produced so far."


0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:02 am
Which has what to do with ACORN?
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:03 am
Here's why. Sen. David Vitter [R-LA] revealed to the public on Jan. 29 that the Obama people inserted a $5.2 billion "stimulus" in the stimulus package that will reward the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now [ACORN] for flipping the traditionally Red States that Obama needed to become the 44th President of the United States.


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Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:20 am
From Fox News, universally known as a conservative news source:

Republican lawmakers are raising concerns that ACORN, the low-income advocacy group under investigation for voter registration fraud, could be eligible for billions in aid from the economic stimulus proposal working its way through the House.

House Republican Leader John Boehner issued a statement over the weekend noting that the stimulus bill wending its way through Congress provides $4.19 billion for "neighborhood stabilization activities."

He said the money was previously limited to state and local governments, but that Democrats now want part of it to be available to non-profit entities. That means groups like ACORN would be eligible for a portion of the funds. (emphases added)

Note the use of "could," "said" and "would." The first and last are conditional verb forms, which means that absolutely no one has shown that money has been ear-marked for ACORN. Note that the House Minority Leader has said this, which is not at all the same as proving that this will be the case.

Also note that Gunga has claimed that $5,000,000,000 will be given to ACORN, and that you are claiming that $5,200,000,000 will be given to ACORN--while the Fox article speaks of $4,190,000,000. Ratcheting up the scale of accusations in such a manner is why i referred to hysteria.

Your source is a private opinion from a private individual, who is also selling things at his web site, including his book. One can hardly consider such an individual as an objective source for news. Furthermore, he also refers to a Republican politician who says this will happen. Gunga has proven nothing, he has just made an unsupported accusation. Fox quotes a Republican politician making an unsupported accusation. Your source quotes a Republican politician making an unsupported accusation. Where i come from, that is known as hollering before you're hurt.

Finally, as for the hysterical claims in your source about voter fraud and ACORN, here is what Fact Check-dot-org has to say:

In another attempt to paint groups and people with whom Obama has some connection in as unsavory a light as possible, McCain has gone after the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. And we've gone after him, for an ad accusing the group of "massive voter fraud" and for saying in the final presidential debate that ACORN is "now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."

Both claims are breathtakingly inaccurate. There's a huge difference between voter fraud and voter registration fraud. And while ACORN, which hires part-time, $8-an-hour canvassers to go door-to-door and register people to vote, has had widespread problems with phony registrations invented by employees who don't want to work, the problem has never been that it sent people to the polls using bogus identities or to vote in any other fraudulent manner. Even the Republican prosecutor of the largest ACORN case to date said the shenanigans of ACORN workers were "not intended to permit illegal voting."

To be sure, Obama's interactions with the group have been greater than he has let on. But whether those ties can accurately be called "long and deep," as McCain's ad claims, is highly questionable.


Therefore, making wilder and wilder charges about the amount of money allegedly earmarked for community organizations (note that the Fox article states that in its initial form, the stimulus bill gives that money to state and local governments) constitutes hysteria.

Therefore, allegations about money to be given to ACORN without evidence constitutes a non-issue.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:25 am
"neighborhood stabilization activities." Rolling Eyes

Pelosi - Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

Example of how liberals try to change the names of welfare programs. Neither will "stimulate" the economy and you SHOULD be ashamed of yourself for supporting this welfare bill the house just passed.
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Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:43 am
Setanta wrote:

From Fox News, universally known as a conservative news source:

Fox News is neither a liberal or conservative news source.

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