Thanks people for all replies, I appreciate you taking the time to do so
and perhaps I have been a bit over sensitive.
Has anyone ever seen the little icons some sites use, they are so small that they could almost be missed, the little rings with the differing symbols
on them. Have a nice weekend everyone. :wink:
Ol' Man Oak,
That Ol' Man Oak
He mus' know sumpin' But don't say nuthin',
He jes' keeps rollin',
He keeps on rollin' along.
He don't do knittin,
He don't do crochet,
An' dem dat sews 'em
Is soon forgotten,
But Ol' Man Oak,
He jes' keeps smokin & drinkin
You an' me, we likes wimmin,
Body all tinglin an' racked wid passion -
Tote that beer and
You show a little grit and
You lands in hell...
But I keeps laffin' instead of cyrin'
I must keep lovin';
Until I'm dyin'
And Ol' Man Oak,
He just keeps rollin' along
RIP paul robeson
Has anyone ever seen the little icons some sites use, they are so small that they could almost be missed, the little rings with the differing symbols
And they come in colours of pink and blue. :wink:
CodeBorg2 wrote:Yeah. What she said!
That was funny too.
Oh, and I totally agreed with CB1 as well.
What ever do you mean smoking you can't tell our gender by our avatars!
Hello Joanne, can you please point me to the post where I stated that.
Some of us like being identified by gender, so we make that plain to all. Others prefer to keep it ambiguous, and I think they ought to have that right.
Being identified by gender has its pros & cons. For instance...
I once had a very strong reaction to something an ambiguously-named person posted on a sexually-related topic. I honestly feel my reaction and my subsequent criticism would have been the same if I had known the writer's gender...because it was their opinion I objected to, not who it came from. Actually, knowing their gender might have muddied my reaction.
On the flip side...when I began posting on A2K, I used the name "Visitor" which was admittedly ambiguous. Immediately, I was mistaken for a man..which was VERY funny to me! As soon as I found out I could change it, I did.
To clear another thing up,
I do not want to post blue jokes to anybody,
flirt with anyone, talk dirty to anyone male or female, offend anybody and any other malicious thoughts you may come up with.
Joanne wrote
Quote:What ever do you mean smoking you can't tell our gender by our avatars!
Now where did she get this from, this is becoming more like a witch-hunt.
I live by a high standard of morals, those posts are to display how a gender icon would give one an idea how to treat the person on the other side. I like to speak to a lady in the way a lady should be spoken to.
If anyone else can help Joanne out with her statement I would be most gratefull.
Eva, this may look as if it's directed at you, it's not, we cross-posted
Smokin', Everyone knows that you didn't post this thread for the purpose of doing anything off color. I think that what is being indicated here is that some people don't care about gender when they are engaged in a philosophical discussion. Not to worry my Irish friend.
We luv ya, smokin'!
(cough, cough...waving smoke away)
Don't take us personally, okay? This is an interesting discussion, that's all. We know you well enough by now to know you never intend to offend. You're one of the good guys here! (And there's lots of 'em...)
and Eva is definitely a woman, 'cause she knows how to pronounce Goethe..
I'm a goddam rabbit, and I can pronounce Goethe!!!
UhOh. Mz. RaBit is here with the ****. Ok, so show me.
I've always pronounced it Ger' ta, but I'm just a dumb capybara farmer.
You're not dumb, and I strongly suspect you're not a capybara farmer, either, Gus.
In my mind's eye, you're more of a nerdy Jeopardy winner. Betcha wear glasses and vintage T-shirts, too.
How do the rest of you imagine the REAL Gus?
(does this call for a new thread?)
Perhaps it does! Will you do the honours, Eva?
Guy is a very big strong man and I only mess with him because he can't reach me :-D