I thought we stuck Tyrius back in the oven for a couple of months--
Haven't seen the little bugger since we outed him.
If you see this sweetie, speak up. I don't know whether to be naughty or nice.
He is a sweetie pie, and good for interpreting rap. :wink:
I'm mistaken for a man, too, sozobe, when I'm discussing politics on avatar-less boards. Sometimes, I play along. I like having a secret.
I wouldn't go about displaying my gender on boards, because I'm contrary I guess--but, here, it's pretty damn apparent. I seem to be the harlot of these parts.
'Course, I guess if I was a homo, I could assail the same demographic... Maybe I'm a cross-dressing man-loving man, man... or maybe I'm an alter for Lola, who is really blatham's ex-wife's mother... or I could be a foil for the libs, created by Craven to keep things stirred up...
heh heh...