JTT wrote:
Quote:My great-grandfather was a hard left Socialist. Stalin sent him to the gulag!
Stalin too was a bit of a "hard left Socialist". Maybe it was simply because your GGF was a common criminal.
Thats a joke, right??
Yeah, Stalin was "hard left". But he was the kind who ruthlessly exterminated
other hard-left socialists if they didn't accept his totalitarian power over everything, or didnt belong to exactly the same brand of hard left as he.
Lenin established the pattern. Among the very first people to go into the prisons, right after the Bolshevik take-over, were the Mensheviks, the anarchists, the supporters of the Socialist Revolutionary party -- in short, anyone who was
also hard left, but not Bolshevik. They were among the
first to go.
Under Stalin, anyone who had used to be active for those alternative, non-Bolshevik hard left movements was a marked man, and would be among the first to be sent to the Gulag if a conspiracy needed to be "uncovered" somewhere.
Then came the Bolsheviks themselves. Stalin never trusted the old school Bolsheviks - the ones older and more educated than him, the ones who had lived and learned in exile, the ones who had worked for the party out of sheer idealism. All of those, independent-minded and emotionally invested as they were, formed a threat to his take-over of the party, to his work to turn the party into a machine to worship and obey him.
So in wave after wave of cleansings, the old school was sent to the Gulag on drummed up charges of Trotskyism or Bukharinism. And replaced with more pliable career bureaucrats, ruthless Chekists and a new generation of men whose only loyalty was to Stalin. (Sample technique: recruit boys from orphanages, who'd have no ties and no loyalties except to the man who took them out of those.)
Then came the cannibalism within the new system. As show trials and cleansings spiralled into a self-expanding rage, by 1937, anyone was at risk. Any slight to a colleague or superior; any threat you might be seen to pose to the career or position of a fellow bureaucrat; any random way someone like you just happened to be needed within the logic of some show trial or other to feature as guilty cog in some drummed-up, byzantine conspiracy - it could all end you up in the Gulag.
The end result was that the higher up you were in the party, bureaucracy or NKVD, the bigger the chance was that you ended up in the Gulag. There was some bitter justice about this - the same Stalinists who'd started off making life hell for peasants, intellectuals and many workers, ended up cannibalising each other and dying in the largest numbers of all.
Add all the above up and you have many, a great many on the revolutionary left - from principled Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries and anarchists who never joined the communist coup d'etat of October 1917, to old school Bolsheviks, to cogs in the Stalinist machine themselves, who perished in the Gulag.