Mon 26 Jan, 2009 12:55 am
It will provide fodder for Democrats to show how bad Republican ideas of Deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, privatizing public service such as defense in Iraq with mercenary Blackwater services and sending Reserves to the war front, unilateralism in global affairs, pre-emptive wars, torture, collateral damage, false charges of 'weapons of mass destruction', unplanned occupation of Iraq, etc.
It shows that the country cannot be run like a corporation. GWB had an MBA (Master of Bungling Affairs), CEOs Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, Provost Condaleeza Rice, et al ran the country to the ground. Rummy ran the Iraq war on the cheap cutting costs as any self respecting CEO would do with a corporation.
It shows that this bunch of CEOs were psychopaths with little or no concern for the the public they were supposedly serving. Corporations are commercial dictatorships. GWB and company did not serve the country but their own interest spouting patriotism but practicing treachery.
Perhaps if the US were a hermetically sealed society with no contact with the rest of the world.
Unfortunately, many people from other countries were killed, were tortured, were held for years without it's not just about what's good for the US, is it?
not to mention the economic fall out of the mortgage debacle
George W. Bush was good for American and the world...the way cancer is good for the liver or pancreas!
@Frank Apisa,
If GWB wasn't, the Republicans would forever be going on about deregulation, privatizing, etc. all accursed policies. GWB brought to fruition all the Republican nonsense.
Quote:If GWB wasn't, the Republicans would forever be going on about deregulation, privatizing, etc. all accursed policies. GWB brought to fruition all the Republican nonsense.
My friend, the are going to be going on about all those things anyway. The Republicans...especially the more conservative Republicans...have not learned one goddam thing from the Bush fiasco.
And as H. L. Mencken once said, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
Do not be surprised to see the Republicans take back the presidency next election.
Our country is in a HUGE mess...and getting us out of this thing is damn near superhuman. I wish Obama lots of luck...but wouldn't bat an eye if he comes out of this four years looking like a loser. Cleaning up this slop is thousands of time more difficult than the tasks Hercules faced.
I reiterate: George W. Bush did not teach Republicans anything worthwhile!
@Frank Apisa,
'teach' and GWB don't belong in the same sentence, Frank.
Quote:'teach' and GWB don't belong in the same sentence, Frank.
On that one, JTT, I am totally willing to stand corrected.
What was I thinking?
@Frank Apisa,
Quote:What was I thinking?
I really don't know, Frank, but the recovery was lightning quick.
I sort of agree, although we did leave a swash of destruction in places we did not belong and were not invited into. By dragging us all to the bottom it is forcing us to regroup and rebuild. Even before Bush, the US was full of people drunk on spending and grabbing as much as they could for their own self-gain. It was not sustainable and Bush just pushed us over the cliff a little faster. Maybe now we can get our priorities straight and start investing in our society, schools, infrastructure and healthcare- instead of just having the most guns, tanks and bombs in the the world. Maybe we can start to value the natural resources of this country instead of handing them over on a golden platter to increase private corporate profits. I hope we have learned our lesson, but I don't think we will know for at least another 5 years.
@Frank Apisa,
It is not about Republicans learning anything it is about the American public not buying Republican policies and not being fooled by the bait and switch tactics.
GW: It is time to get back the country from the 'feathering their own nests' crowd to those concerned for the 'common good' crowd.