Intrepid wrote:
Some of us are exactly the same on the net as we are in real life. I, for one, do not separate the two since I am me and that is the way it is. I think it is immature and silly to create a personna on the net. Then again that is just me.
Well I certainly don't think Ive created any kind of "persona" on the net - certainly not out to deceive, or to posture as something I'm not. But yeah, sure, there's ways in which I'm different here than in real life. Express myself differently, show more (or less) of one or the other side of me than in the real world, etc. I think thats what the wabbit was talking about.
Like, in real life I go to parties (well, not as much anymore now, but I used to quite a lot) - and the way I was in the club, you would never have seen me here. Cause you know, there's no music and throngs of clubbers, sexy dancers and E here, kinda gets you in a different kind of mood

. Vice versa, I've long used this place to let my inner geek out in ways I wouldnt with my friends, and have sometimes been introspective in ways I'm not in public IRL. That kind of thing, I think it's natural - context is everything.
(I used to have a boss who was kind, charming and enthused live, and just sounded curt and stern in email. It was kind of disconcerting, but I dont think she even