Quote: So you're saying the only issue in the War of Northern Aggression was the institute of Slavery? When SC left the Union it considered all of SC to be under SC control. When the Union Army failed to leave and were going to be re-enforced it was considered an act of aggression to which the SC Militia responded.
But the issue was that Lincoln managed to get the South to fire the first shots,both at SUmter and Pickens..
The fact was that the SOUTH could have won the war (by just being there to watch Lincoln lose the 1864 election). The SOuth only had to maintain its borders while the UNION had to win the battles and drive its point home into the SOuth.. As late as August 1864, Lincolns reelection was in doubt and were it not for the following minor items of history, we COULD have seen a much different outcome.
1The fall of Atlanta in Sept 1864 stopped all the newspaper headlines of "Is the War a FAilure"?
2Sheridans attacks on Early at winchester and Fisher Hill and his repulse of early's counter counter attack was picked up by the NEwspapaers in October 1864 "Victory at Hand"
3Thomas defeat and dismantelling of Hood at NAshville.
4Lees refusal to "Count" black soldiesr as equals in a resumed prisoner exchange cemented the Soldier vote (This is Mcpheresons thesis, not mine) for Lincoln.
The fact that the fortunes of war, conspired positively for Lincoln at a time that he was being put upon from many sides, did (IMHO) make and change an outcome that was still in doubrt and would have, changed the entire makeup of the Hemisphere after the Civil War , (had it been a negotiated peace, rather than one based on victory).
As it worked out, Lincoln's plurality among soldiers was in the high 70% and was 53% in the general population of voters. Much of these vote returns were based upon the late turns of war and the fact that the Democrats , while their candidate was popular among soldiers, had a platform that was authored by one who was banished to Canada early in the war, and the platform was considered essentially "defeatist " to voting soldiers.
So Lincoln won anyway, but, he could have lost and, in doing so, the war would have had a totally different outcome.