Look…I am trying real hard to handle H2O in a reasonable manner. He started this name calling…with emphasis on my being stupid. I am making every attempt to keep my responses moderate…teasing and provoking…but holding back on the name-calling.
I suspect he is just a kid…and I’m not looking for overkill here; don’t want this to be Mike Tyson stomping on a girl scout. I want to keep my responses proportional. But whether he is a kid or not (or even if he is not a “he”)…the fact remains that he has been slinging insults at me and disparaging my intelligence…and he has been doing so in posts filled with the kind of grammar only ignorant people use. If you want to attribute that or excuse it via “register”…I guess that is your right.
But it seems to me that we are getting to the point where ignorant grammatical mistakes are all excused on the basis of Register…and in light of what has been happening between H2O (his charges)…that excuse is inappropriate here. A more reasoned characterization of them is that they are ignorant grammatical errors"made by a person who is an intellectual lightweight.
If you absolutely have to carry this further, go for it. But the only way I can address what you are raising is to do more of what I am trying very hard not to do.
What say???