Israel Shells U.N. Building in Gaza and Media Center -- Charged With Using White Phosphorus

Sun 18 Feb, 2024 05:10 am
And I can pull statements from hamas supporters and anti-zionist sites which are equally hateful and bloodthirsty. What's your point? Are you surprised to discover that there are extremists who wish to commit violence against their enemies? You really shouldn't be. Such sentiments can be found in both the judeo/christian scriptures and the koran. But only a bigot would use those passages to condemn every individual who happens to call themselves a muslim or a jew.
Sun 18 Feb, 2024 06:51 am
@The Anointed,
No Glen, the courts have not ruled that Israel is committing genocide.

When a powerful regime starts murdering innocent women, children, and babies, and then proceeds to push them off their land, that's genocide. Do you really need a court to tell you whether or not that's genocide.

Are you going to wait on the courts to tell you who the animals are? Oh, and the bible is not a land deed!
Sun 18 Feb, 2024 07:35 am
And I can pull statements from . . .

Yeah but it's the Israelis who are pulling off a genocide at this moment, isn't it?

I understand that you have reason to believe that they are not pulling off a genocide as we speak. And by now everyone understands that you have no intention of sharing your reason for seeing less than what is painfully obvious to anyone without an agenda.

I've been getting you up to speed concerning the racist mindset of Israeli officials; specifically their racism and obscene sense of entitlement when it comes to the lives and property of the Gazans. I should provide some quotes from IDF soldiers who reflect the mindset of their leaders, but I don't think anything more is necessary to make the point that the Israelis are murdering Gazans and pushing them off their property, which amounts to genocide.

What do you think?
But only a bigot would use those passages to condemn every individual who happens to call themselves a muslim or a jew.

Wrong again! I didn't condemn all jews. The Israeli genocide against the innocent people of Gaza is the doing of the officials in charge of Israel's war machine.
Sun 18 Feb, 2024 07:48 am
I think that mass murder, callous disregard for the lives of innocent civilians, the destruction of homes, and the casual acceptance of "collateral damage" are all wrong. Whether it's called "genocide" or "total war" is immaterial. As with "hate crimes", it's abhorrent behavior however it's labeled.
Sun 18 Feb, 2024 09:29 am
Whether it's called "genocide" or "total war" is immaterial.

You think war is the same as genocide? Recognizing it as genocide is essential to stopping it. joe's not going to call it genocide because if he does, he'll have to stop supplying nutanuahu with the tools to wipe out the Gazans and take their land. But joe has no intention of disappointing him, even if it means the murder of women and children and babies . . . because they're such good friends who have each other's back I guess.
Sun 18 Feb, 2024 10:01 am
You think [total] war is the same as genocide?

If thousands of innocent people are killed, what goddamn difference does it make – the end result is the same.
Sun 18 Feb, 2024 10:12 am
The difference is that Israel is displacing the population of Gaza--war crime.

The difference is that Israel is deliberately killing innocent non combatants like women, children, and babies--war crime.

They bomb refugee camps--war crime.

The difference is that nutanyahu and company have announced that their intention is to wipe Gazans and Gaza off the map; ya know, steal their hell hole from them--war crime. It's all they have, but nutanyahu wants it.

In a published paper entitled "Sodom and Gomorrah", which talks about the fact that in the Bible there is only one incident in which God calls for the destruction of a city, in light of a moral perversion that falls below the threshold of humanity - Sodom and Gemorrah. Lot looks back, she becomes a salt commissioner and the lesson is clear.

"As soon as she looked back even for a second and expressed empathy, [she] proved that she was already part of the evil. When there is absolute evil, one must not look back, one must not express empathy. The actions of the oppressors on Black Sabbath [meaning October 7th] are tens of times worse than the actions of Sodom and Gomorrah. The war is not about territory or Economy". but a war for the loss of evil from the world and the perpetuation of the absolute good."

That was Lieutenant Colonel and Rabbi of the Northern command.
Sun 18 Feb, 2024 10:29 am
Sounds consistent with the effects of total war to me.
Sun 18 Feb, 2024 12:41 pm
The effects of war are one thing. But Israel's leaders have stated their objective. They intend to rid the land of the evil everyone--including the evil children. And to drive the point home, one of them quotes an ugly passage from the Old Testament as a way to dehumanize the entire population of Gaza. Where there are only innocent human beings, he sees Amalekites! That's kinda sick, ain't it?

So, tell me how many of our leaders and commanders talked about displacing the population of Iraq and replacing them with American settlements?
Sun 18 Feb, 2024 01:04 pm
So, tell me how many of our leaders and commanders talked about displacing the population of Iraq and replacing them with American settlements?

I wouldn't characterize that "war of choice" as total war, for one thing. And we already subjugated, dehumanized, and displaced our aboriginal population, forced them onto reservations, and settled on what had been their land. While our leaders and commanders didn't talk about displacing the population of Iraq, there was talk of appropriating the country's natural resources – Wolfowitz said the petroleum would pay for the invasion.
Sun 18 Feb, 2024 05:22 pm
President Andrew Jackson offered similar rhetoric in his first inaugural address in 1829, when he emphasized his desire "to observe toward the Indian tribes within our limits a just and liberal policy, and to give that humane and considerate attention to their rights and their wants which is consistent with the habits of our Government and the feelings of our people." Yet, only fourteen months later, Jackson prompted Congress to pass the Removal Act, a bill that forced Native Americans to leave the United States and settle in the Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River.

Many Cherokee tribes banded together as an independent nation, and challenged this legislation in U.S. courts. In 1832, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokees, but some tribes still signed treaties giving the federal government the legal authority to "assist" them in their move to the Indian Territory.

In 1838, as the deadline for removal approached, thousands of federal soldiers and Georgia volunteers entered the territory and forcibly relocated the Cherokees, some hunting, imprisoning, assaulting, and murdering Cherokees during the process. Cherokees who survived the onslaught were forced on a 1,000-mile march to the established Indian Territory with few provisions. Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died on this "Trail of Tears."


Today that wouldn't fly, would it? You can't just push people off their land and force them to embark on a death march to their new "home." But that's exactly what's happening between the Israelis and the Gazans. The Gazans are being forced to run from their destroyed homes and lives to embark on a journey of tears to who knows where.

It wasn't right then, and it isn't right now. Today it's genocide at the hands of religious nuts who are so far removed from the sensabilities of the rest of us that they don't know better than to reference Old Testament grudges when referring to their beef with the Gazans, including the children. If you didn't know better, you'd swear you were listening to religious nutters from thousands of years ago. But no. It's 2024 and nutanyahoo made the reference just a couple months ago.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Sun 18 Feb, 2024 09:47 pm
When a powerful regime starts murdering innocent women, children, and babies, and then proceeds to push them off their land, that's genocide. Do you really need a court to tell you whether or not that's genocide.

When a neighboring district attacks your community and brutally murders many of you friends, neighbors and family and takes captive your children, would you not demand that those murderers be brought to justice and the release of your children?

And what recourse would you have if those demands were refused by those murdering terrorists, who are protected by the Hamas government and supported, or at least tolerated by the general population who are well aware of the terrorist tunnels beneath their hospitals and schools?

Are you going to wait on the courts to tell you who the animals are? Oh, and the bible is not a land deed!

Would you hang a man for murder, who the courts have clearly not condemned of that false charge? Obviously, you would.

And the billions who do believe the bible, know that the land of Israel is the rightful inheritants of the descendants of Shem and not of Cannan the son of Ham.
Mon 19 Feb, 2024 06:50 am
@The Anointed,
You see what you've been conditioned to see. In this case, you've been conditioned to not see something. For instance, you don't see that Israel is committing war crimes against the EVERYONE in Gaza. Israel's targeting of babies and kids is cowardice. But that's what happens when you're so tainted by religion that all you see are Amalekites, Sodom and Gomorrah, etc.

Here: https://vimeo.com/37869029
The Anointed
Mon 19 Feb, 2024 05:24 pm
You see what you've been conditioned to see. In this case, you've been conditioned to not see something. For instance, you don't see that Israel is committing war crimes against the EVERYONE in Gaza. Israel's targeting of babies and kids is cowardice. But that's what happens when you're so tainted by religion that all you see are Amalekites, Sodom and Gomorrah, etc.

I believe that it is you who see what you've been conditioned to see. In this case, you've been conditioned to NOT see on your TV, on the morning after the brutal murder and abduction of so many Israelites by the Hamas terrorists, the Palestinian immigrants who support those terrorists, rejoicing in the streets of their new countries and burning Israeli flags.

Jubilees Chapter 10; 28 And Ham and his sons went into the land which he was to occupy, which he acquired as his portion in the land of the south. And Canaan saw the land of Lebanon to the river of Egypt, that it was very good, and he went not into the land of his inheritance to the west (that is to) the sea, and he dwelt in the land of Lebanon, eastward and westward from the border of Jordan and from the border of the sea. And Ham, his father, and Cush and Mizraim his brothers said unto him: ’Thou hast settled in a land which is not thine, and which did not fall to us by lot: do not do so; for if thou dost do so, thou and thy sons will fall in the land and (be) accursed through sedition; for by sedition ye have settled, and by sedition will thy children fall, and thou shalt be rooted out for ever.

Dwell not in the dwelling of Shem; for to Shem and to his sons did it come by their lot. Cursed art thou, and cursed shalt thou be beyond all the sons of Noah, by the curse by which we bound our-selves by an oath in the presence of the holy judge, and in the presence of Noah our father.’ But he did not harken unto them and dwelt in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt, he and his sons until this day. And for this reason, that land was named Canaan.

After the Israelites, the descendants of Abraham, a descendant of Shem, reclaimed the land of their rightful inheritance [See Judges 3 1-2] the Lord left some nations in the land to test the Israelites who had not been through the wars in Canaan. He did this only in order to teach each and every generation of Israelites about war, especially those who had never been in battle before.

Perhaps the Lord was looking toward the war to end all wars in which no flesh would survive except for his intervention. The great Tribulation.
Mon 19 Feb, 2024 05:42 pm
@The Anointed,
Perhaps the Lord was looking toward the war to end all wars in which no flesh would survive except for his intervention.

Nah. That can't be it. From what I hear, it's a being of love, and as such, would most definitely intervene when innocent children and babies are being murdered at the hands of those whose immorality knows no bounds. Religious wise, to believe such a thing about your alleged being of love is kinda blasphemous.

Don't ya think?
The Anointed
Mon 19 Feb, 2024 07:09 pm

Nah. That can't be it. From what I hear, it's a being of love, and as such, would most definitely intervene when innocent children and babies are being murdered at the hands of those whose immorality knows no bounds. Religious wise, to believe such a thing about your alleged being of love is kinda blasphemous. Don't ya think?

Yes, He is a loving father and protector to his children who obey Him, but he will punish those who oppose his will right down to the fourth generation.

1Samuel 15; 1-3, Samuel said to Saul, “I am the one whom the LORD sent to anoint you king of his people Israel. Now listen to what the LORD Almighty says. He is going to punish the people of Amalek because their ancestors opposed the Israelites when they were coming from Egypt. [This is over 300 years after the event] Go and attack the Amalekites and completely destroy everything they have. Don't leave a thing; kill all the men, women, children, and babies; the cattle, sheep, camels, and donkeys.”

You really don't know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob do you.
Deuteronomy 5.9 (GNB) Do not bow down to any idol or worship it, for I am the LORD your God and I tolerate no rivals. I bring punishment on those who hate me and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generation.

Wed 21 Feb, 2024 07:26 am
@The Anointed,
Sure. It's like if my neighbor's kid comes into my yard and shoots my dog, I have every right to stalk and target that kid and the kid's of that kid, and the kids of those kids, and then their kids, too. And I'll do it because I am committed to being a godly person.

How did that sound? You appear to worship a being who attacks anything that puts its flawed creation in a bad light. You can't accept the truth that the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. If we be the fruits of the god, and we be bad fruit, what kind of a tree does that make the god? You are of the opinion that a good tree produces bad fruit. But you're just trying to separate the "perfect" god from his imperfect creation, but you can't.

If the god you speak of really exists, my guess is that it had parts of itself that it was truly unaware of until those aspects of its nature came out in its creation. But as the story goes, it had no intention of owning up to its mistake. Instead, it blamed its mistakes on the mistakes. How intelligent is that?
You really don't know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob do you.

No I don't. And if this being you speak of is into things like targeting innocent babies and kids as you suggest, I don't want to know it. Why do you worship a being who beats up on babies for what the parents did?
Wed 21 Feb, 2024 07:58 am
nutanyahoo believes that murdering kids and babies is in line with the god's will. He must believe that the god hates Gazan babies and kids as much as he does.

joe appears to share nutanyahoo and his god's hatred for Gazan kids and babies. He still supports the nut's genocidal activity.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Thu 22 Feb, 2024 01:28 am
Sure. It's like if my neighbor's kid comes into my yard and shoots my dog, I have every right to stalk and target that kid and the kid's of that kid, and the kids of those kids, and then their kids, too. And I'll do it because I am committed to being a godly person.


How did that sound?

Like someone who is ignorant to the law and thinks they have the right to murder someone who kills their DOG and who is totally ignorant to the spiritual law which states that no human parent can be held accountable for the crimes of their child and no child can be held accountable for the crimes of it parents.

Of course, this law does not apply to the creator who knows the end from the very beginning and whose end result is not mankind, but HIS Son, ‘THE SON OF MAN,’ who He creates through the process of evolution by design.

And now my friends, come soar with me
To the outer limits of reality
This universe though wide it seems,
Is but the shadow of our dreams
We are naught but knowledge in these tents,
Refined through pain and punishment
We’re the hive of man and ‘neath his rod,
We are one, we’re the ‘Son of God.’

The past, the present, the future is He,
He was, He is, and He will be
And heaven is but a point in time
To where the spirit in man must climb
Eventually, when he’s there at last
And stands and gazes on his past
And takes his throne prepared in heaven,
Then all His past will be forgiven

I am ‘who I am,’ the die is cast,
For I was created by my past
And we who we are this very day
Determines his future in every way
If my past were changed then who would I be?
One thing is certain, I wouldn’t be Me……… The Anointed

[quote] You appear to worship a being who attacks anything that puts its flawed creation in a bad light. You can't accept the truth that the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. If we be the fruits of the god, and we be bad fruit, what kind of a tree does that make the god? [/quote]

Don’t kid yourself mate, we are not the fruit of the good tree. We are in the process of being brought to perfection through the pain and suffering we are to endure because of the mistakes that we make. But then, you don’t know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, nor have you every tasted his unleavened bread which has not been polluted by the yeast of the priests.

Jesus, in who were the spirits of the righteous who had been gathered to the bosom of Abraham, was resurrected on the first day after the weekly Sabbath that followed the Passover, which is the festival of “First Fruits,” (PLURAL.) HE was the first fruits to be harvested from the body of mankind. He was the first of many brothers and sisters, who are to be conformed to the glorious image of God’s only begotten Son and who are taken into the kingdom of God, which flesh and blood cannot inherit.

On the day that he gave up his spirit on the cross their graves were opened and three days later they came out of their graves and entered the city and showed themselves to many as the risen body of Christ.

[quote]You are of the opinion that a good tree produces bad fruit. But you're just trying to separate the "perfect" god from his imperfect creation, but you can't. [/quote]

Nope, all the fruit is good when born, until contaminated by outside forces.

[quote] If the god you speak of really exists, my guess is that it had parts of itself that it was truly unaware of until those aspects of its nature came out in its creation. But as the story goes, it had no intention of owning up to its mistake. Instead, it blamed its mistakes on the mistakes. How intelligent is that? [/quote]

To the believer, the mindless uninformed guesses of the unbeliever are totally irrelevant.

[quote] Quote:
You really don't know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob do you.

No I don't. And if this being you speak of is into things like targeting innocent babies and kids as you suggest, I don't want to know it. Why do you worship a being who beats up on babies for what the parents did? [/quote]

One day perhaps you may understand, but if not, then you never were meant to.

Thu 22 Feb, 2024 07:16 am
@The Anointed,
no child can be held accountable for the crimes of it parents.

Yeah, cuz that would be wrong on all levels, huh. But your all-knowing, all-seeing god does just that. So, by your own reckoning, the god doesn't even measure up to the level of human decency, let alone divine love. But you've been conditioned to view such hatred of children as--of all things--the nature of a loving and just god.

Apparently, this god that you admire hasn't changed since the day it ordered Moses to kill babies, kids, and, well, everybody to appease its anger.

How do you feel about nutanyahoo's hatred of Gazan babies and kids. Do you think he has a right to kill them at will?

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