InfraBlue wrote:
In the attempt to promote awareness of the need to resolve the territorial disputes of the Middle East, one of which is the basis of the Israel/Palestine conflict, the two-state solution, ignores in all irony the point that King Abdullah made in the quote above. It is unfair to make Palestine pay for the crime of Europe. It assumes that the Zionists' rights--an ethnocentric state for Jews, the Jewish homeland--take precedence over that of the Palestinian peoples', the Right of Return afforded them by UN resolution 149, and a truly democratic (i.e. practicing social equality) government for the peoples in Israel/Palestine that includes them. It is because of this assumption that ethnic supremacism (i.e. the belief that a particular ethnic group is superior to others and entitles those who identify with it to dominate, control or rule those who do not) of Jews in Israel/Palestine is implied by the two state solution.
While there is a percentage of RELIGIOUS Jews that believe in Zionism from the standpoint of the Jewish faith, the majority of the world's Jews subscribe to Zionism just like most people would like to have health insurance. That is not what I hear from those that are annoyed with Zionism; however it is what is at the heart of the majority of Jewish concern over Israel's survival.
My point is that Jews tend to have some awareness of the history of Jews. It is a history of staying in a country for a few hundred years, and then getting kicked out of the country during an economic downturn, as a way to appease the masses that the Jews are expendable. It is also a history of being lied to, like those shower heads in Auschwitz that did not have water; they had Zyklon-B gas.
So, many of those who are anti-Zionists, I believe, tend to focus on the right of Arabs to have hegemony over all of the Middle East, and the Jews supposed obnoxious thinking of being "chosen/smarter/superior" or whatever. Not that there are no obnoxious Jews in the world; however, for most Jews Israel represents a virtual health insurance policy, since Gentiles have proven themselves over millenia to consider Jews expendable. I am amazed how American Gentiles think that because it would be anathema to them to do what the Nazis did, no other group would have such a murderous nature. In that way, I believe many western liberals are naive.
And, to be perfectly candid, there are Jews that really want to live in a predominantly Jewish country, since like many forms of human life that were almost hunted into extinction, have become Gentile shy.
For fairness, those that are anti-Zionist, should give credence to Zionism as a reaction to the perennial anti-Semitism that will always exist. That was the reason the early Zionists left Czarist Russia to start collective farms in the Holy Land, back in the days of the Ottoman Empire. I understand it is hard to think of Israelis as victims of anti-Semitism when they have such modern military technology, but that is just the Christmas wrapping, so to speak.