Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Tue 10 Dec, 2013 10:08 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
One of the reasons you dislike and distrust the UN is simply because they have passed hundreds of resolutions against Israel and the US vetoed most of them at least 98% of the time.

I expect that it has more to do with the fact that those resolutions are filled with despicable anti-Semitism.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Israel once had a resolution against it that said its apartheid policies were equivalent to racism. John Bolton, the temporary Ambassador at the time, browbeat the UN members so badly they withdrew the resolution.

Bolton was a good man to have at the UN. I hope Jeb appoints him to be our next Secretary of State.

That said, if I'd been in his position and any UN members had dared to falsely accuse Israel of Apartheid, I'd have pulled out a Super Soaker filled with rancid dog urine. (But I'm told that I don't entirely understand diplomacy.)
0 Replies
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 10:11 pm
It takes a lot of courage for the UN members to stand up to the Arabs. The latter has massive wealth and a population of over a billion. Israel is the size of New Jersey and has a population of eight million.
cicerone imposter
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 10:16 pm
So, that gives them the right to steal other peoples land and property, and kill untold tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children.

Yup, all us anti-Semites are terrible at factual information about 'this' issue.
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 10:18 pm
Orolloy is exactly right.

For instance, you made a big thing about how settlers vandalize the property of their Pal neighbors, but make no mention of the Pal vandalism and personal attacks that precipitated the settler vandalism. That is tantamount to lying, and is certainly anti-Semitic.
cicerone imposter
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 10:20 pm
Oh, yeah, everybody is anti-semitic. Did you leave anybody out? LOL
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 10:33 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I figured out where you got your phony numbers on Israelis and Pals killed over the years.

You added together the Pal AND Arab deaths in the various wars. For instance, you included all the Egyptians, et al., killed in various wars as though they were Pals.

That is disgusting and dishonest.
0 Replies
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 10:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You seem to have no concern for the lives of innocent Israelis. If this is true, that makes you a scumbag.
cicerone imposter
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 11:03 pm
Who are the "innocent Israelis?" Those moving into the settlements?
0 Replies
Wed 11 Dec, 2013 01:03 am


You mean like Jewish nazis?
Zionist nazis might be better.

We learned the meaning of Untermenschen and Lebensraum from nazi propaganda in the 1930s, and here it is again: history repeating itself in the must unthinkable way.

The similarities are glaringly obvious, are they not? Demonising a race of people, dispossessing them, and finally (finally!) clearing them out of the way.

Yes, I missed out Endloesung.

Wed 11 Dec, 2013 03:17 am
McTag wrote:
McTag wrote:
McTag wrote:
You mean like Jewish nazis?

Zionist nazis might be better.
We learned the meaning of Untermenschen and Lebensraum from nazi propaganda in the 1930s, and here it is again: history repeating itself in the must unthinkable way.

The similarities are glaringly obvious, are they not? Demonising a race of people, dispossessing them, and finally (finally!) clearing them out of the way.
Yes, I missed out Endloesung.

You evil scumbag, if you ever find that you're dying of a horrible disease, please be sure to post the good news here on A2K so I can make fun of you as you die.

Your fellow Nazis didn't "clear people out of the way". They outright murdered them.

And the people that your fellow Nazis murdered, had never done anything to harm anyone.

Israel has repeatedly offered 1967 borders to the Palestinians if only they would finally make peace with Israel, and the Palestinians always refuse to make peace.

The only reason the Palestinians have to be cleared off the West Bank is because there is simply no other way to prevent them from murdering innocent Israelis.

And no one is going to murder the Palestinians the way your fellow Nazis murdered millions of innocents. The Palestinians are simply going to be scooped up and deposited in the Gaza Strip.
0 Replies
Wed 11 Dec, 2013 03:36 am
Advocate wrote:

It takes a lot of courage for the UN members to stand up to the Arabs.

No it doesn't. It takes one hell of a lot of courage to stand up to America.
0 Replies
Wed 11 Dec, 2013 04:38 am
Orolloy is exactly right.

"Oralloy is right"?! Screw that poster and the unrealistic cloud he functions under. You, Advocate,might be foaming at the mouth regarding "Israel is as innocent as new falling snow" but one can understand your anxiety, you feel your Israel is under attack and you are correct in the latter assessment....the entire world is turning against the deceptive nation.....even you realize Oralloy is not functioning on all cylinders. Oralloy's mind resides in a universe where he thinks he's Einstein's mentor and he, Oralloy, is leading while the rest of us are following. Any poster on this board can see the mental defect in this poster! Please don't quote Orally, who lives in his own fantasy world, to me.....it's enough to keep him on ignore.
Wed 11 Dec, 2013 04:40 am
Advocate has fallen under Oralboy's spell. Note how he now refers to all Palestinians as vermin, not just the ones who launch terrorist attacks?
Wed 11 Dec, 2013 05:12 am

You mean like Jewish nazis?
Zionist nazis might be better.

The similarities are glaringly obvious, are they not? Demonising a race of people, dispossessing them, and finally (finally!) clearing them out of the way.

Yes, I missed out Endloesung.

Your response is fantastic. Yes, "dispossessing" a people (the Palestinians) while continuing to generate the false propaganda "the Pals are trying to run them [Israel] into the sea" gives us a good idea where the rogue nation, Israel, is coming from. Truth be known, Israel has the US under its thumb through bribes, blackmail and massive contributions towards election and reelections. (One memorable example was the Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair.):

The U.S. convened a summit at Maryland's Wye River Plantation, October '98. After a rocky start, Clinton's marathon 21-hour session with Yasser Arafat, Benjamin Netanyahu, and senior negotiators produced the Wye River Memorandum. (Of course, it fell apart.) However, Netanyahu wanted to get something out of the deal, so he raised the question of Jonathan Pollard's release. Clinton, under great pressure that his relationship with Monica Lewinsky would be leaked by the Israelis, asked to see Pollard's Folder. When news circulated President Clinton might release the Jewish-American born Pollard, the heads of the CIA, Defense Department, and Secretary of State collectively said "they would all resign immediately if Clinton released this traitor." The damage Jonathan Pollard did to US national security is almost incalculable. The US, immediately spent billions to change codes. Pollard was spying for Israel and the Zionist nation gave some of this information at the time to Russia during the Cold War.

In America, it's money and power that talks and Israel's control over America's foreign policies complicates matter terribly. America will always be in trouble as long as that tiny troublesome country remains an albatross around the US neck. Israel is a liability no matter how one frames it! The UN will always fold in the face of America because Israel wants it thus.
Wed 11 Dec, 2013 06:01 am

Advocate has fallen under Oralboy's spell. Note how he now refers to all Palestinians as vermin, not just the ones who launch terrorist attacks?

From a personal standpoint, I believe Advocate feels he's in a tight corner, and urgently reaches out to anyone who will help him fight off his critics...that is an understandable reaction; for what it's worth, Advocate's responses are unsurprising. I'm just grateful he's at least a modicum of commonsense in other areas and not laboring under any other idiosyncratic beliefs like Orally.
0 Replies
Wed 11 Dec, 2013 09:28 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Advocate has fallen under Oralboy's spell. Note how he now refers to all Palestinians as vermin, not just the ones who launch terrorist attacks?

Another outright lie from the excement king.
Wed 11 Dec, 2013 09:32 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:

Orolloy is exactly right.

"Oralloy is right"?! Screw that poster and the unrealistic cloud he functions under. You, Advocate,might be foaming at the mouth regarding "Israel is as innocent as new falling snow" but one can understand your anxiety, you feel your Israel is under attack and you are correct in the latter assessment....the entire world is turning against the deceptive nation.....even you realize Oralloy is not functioning on all cylinders. Oralloy's mind resides in a universe where he thinks he's Einstein's mentor and he, Oralloy, is leading while the rest of us are following. Any poster on this board can see the mental defect in this poster! Please don't quote Orally, who lives in his own fantasy world, to me.....it's enough to keep him on ignore.

You and Izzy love to mischaraterize my statements. I have the highest regards for Oralloy. He is accurate and knowledgeable. You and Izzy, however, love to lie and quibble. Everything you both say shows your unrestrained hatred for Jews and Israel.
cicerone imposter
Wed 11 Dec, 2013 09:55 pm
You need to point out where MiT has lied and quibbled. You can cut and paste from any of his posts. I really want to see you provide this, because I may be missing something.
0 Replies
Thu 12 Dec, 2013 02:02 am
I'm not, and have no desire to be your king.
Thu 12 Dec, 2013 10:51 am
izzythepush wrote:

I'm not, and have no desire to be your king.

I could see the local Palestinean community voting for you to be their king. Would you want the Coronation in Gaza or the West Bank? Oh, wait. East Jerusalem.

Your crown could be a large bagel. No that wouldn't do. Better a pita bread sliced open at one end, and worn like a cap.
0 Replies

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