Look Brandon - I'm just saying President Bush - likeable as he may be in many ways- is not the most forward thinking guy in the world.
Okay, picture this - what if the reporter who threw the shoes ends up being someone who's had a family member killed in a bombing? President Bush's joke about this man's size ten shoe will be interpreted as belittling this man's situation and pain - and it'll come back to bite him.
The same instinct and /or lack of sensitivty and insight that made him laugh this incident off - laudable and appropropriate as it may be in some situations - I happen to believe is the same instinct and/or lack of insight and forward thinking and planning that may have caused Mr. Bush such problems during his administration.
Yes - I'd rather be an American under Mr. Bush's presidency than an Iraqi under Sadaam Hussein's regime - hands down...I can't deny that...
I'm just saying I think Mr. Bush has an unfortunate propensity to speak before he thinks sometimes - and even I might add - not to think very strategically or deeply as well. That's all.
And we'll have to wait and see how Mr. Obama handles things - but if he's impulsive and insensitive in his speech - I'll happily admit that- I understand these leaders are human beings and lord knows I wouldn't want to have to change places with any of them.