Mon 8 Dec, 2008 01:10 pm
Just got this wonderful news from a friend.
the house I used to live in Detroit as a child is condemed, the neighborhood has nothing left of it that looks like it did when i lived there, and its beyond ghetto now cuz the houses fell apart and now they are putting in brand new ghetto homes for the "new" residents.
entire houses are gone, the corner store and corner apt bldg are all gone
looks like somebody nuked the area, 50% of everything is gone, nothing left in their places except empty lots
More homes for Obama supporters......
Eminem didn't sing 8-Mile for no reason. He might as well be singing 9-Mile now, and 10-Mile tomorrow. The expansion of the inner city shithole goes on unabated.
I don't know what Obama has to do with it, but I agree that Detroit is a disaster area and has been long before anyone ever heard of Barak Obama. To drive through Highland Park -- which you pretty much have to do if you're coming from the airport -- is like driving through a recently bombed combat zone. But what do you expect after years of GOP "benign neglect"?
@Merry Andrew,
It's a disaster zone, because Detroit has one of the highest crime rates in the US.
@Merry Andrew,
You don't know what Obama has to do with it????
You have to be kidding me.
Do I have to explain it again?
I used to work in Highland Park. We had an armed guard 24/7. There was barbed wire fencing up around the whole place.
Great place to work.
Quote:Do I have to explain it again?
Please do.
Obma is a senator from Illinois. On Jan. 21, 2009 he will be sworn in as the CEO of the USA. What's he got to do with the sad state of affairs in Michigan?
How about that? They're already blaming Obama for what has happened during Bush's eight years in office. I wonder which future democratic president they'll be blaming for Bush's destruction of our economy and world peace?
Wasn't Obama responsible for Katrina? I thought I heard that somewhere. Oh!.... that's right....cjsha told me that.
Not only for Katrina, but torture of prisoners, negating habeas corpus, ignoring the UN, and our "fundamentally strong economy."
Actually, I do hold Obama, his two year campaign of hatred, and the rest of his Democrap douchebags in Congress responsible for much of the mess we're in now.
But that wasn't my point, which you have conveniently ignored.
You must all be black.
ceej wrote:
Quote:"...Actually, I do hold Obama, his two year campaign of hatred, ...
Prove this statement, dummy?
@cicerone imposter,
Excuse me limpdick, but the Democraps waged two years of jihad on Bush and the Republicans AND business, both on and off the campaign trail. They still want to impeach Bush - FOR WHAT? Obama's campaign attacked McCain and Palin based on something Tina Fey said on SNL.....One black congresswoman (D) threatened to nationalize the oil industry... and on and on.
Democraps are pure evil.
@cicerone imposter,
What the **** is wrong with Fox or Rush?
Except that Democraps don't like them?
Not to mention that I never used them here.
**** you.
I honestly think it's time to start killing dems who want to deny the right's right to free speech.
ceej, If you can't answer the q's, just dry up and disappear.
Somebody off their meds today?
@cicerone imposter,
Re: cjhsa (Post 3498920)
ceej wrote:
"...Actually, I do hold Obama, his two year campaign of hatred, ...
Prove this statement, dummy?