Scrat wrote:America's primary source of humiliation these days is the vocal minority of anti-American liberals...
Talk about dreamers!!!
America's primary source of humiliation these days is the fact that its president is a guy with the intellectual abilities of a not-especially-bright adolescent. The sheep who, with their kneejerk reactions, consider anyone who disagrees with them to be "anti-American" -- also add to the humiliation of America these days.
BTW, have you noticed that "anti-American" is a phrase most commonly used by people who don't understand what being pro-American is all about.
Quote:...(anti-American liberals) working night and day to portray our nation...
Can you conservatives ever rise above self-serving platitudes and hyperbole like this? a house divided unto itself, when the majority of Americans are united behind the common goal of ridding the world of terrorism and safeguarding America and her people throughout the world.
Yes, most Americans are united behind that goal. But some of us (and I am not a liberal) recognize that the ignorant twerp now in the Oval Office is more interested in raiding the treasury to settle an old family feud his father had with Saddam Hussein, than with spending the money actually fighting terrorism.