The French "Health watch dogs" (>Institut de veille sanitaire <) have published a documentary about the heath wave:
Impact sanitaire de la vague de chaleur en France survenue en août 2003
Just in case, here's the
"google-translated website"
BTW This year was
Europe's hottest summer for 500 years (link)
Chirac is a giant blowhard who's trying to make a name for himself on the world stage.
Chirac is the leader of France. That's a pretty big name already.
The French are dismal failure who understand nothing about Economics.
Unemployment rates in France have consistently been in teh double digits. The French government and Labor Unions have taxed and regulated their economy almost to death. For example, even the most basic firing decisions in France are subject to bureaucratic review. That scares almost any entrepreneur from creating any jobs. And if you do create jobs in France, you must pay an enormous pay roll tax and an atrociously high minimum wage.
That's what happens when you have an economics system with its roots in Socialism.
I am convinced that most of the French resistance to American initiatives comes from envy.
I think one of the reasons that the French are opposed to our liberation of Iraq is that they are basically cowards.
Shirer in is definitive "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" recounts how some bravery and decisiveness from the French Generals just before the invasion of the Sudetenland by Germany might have caused the collapse of Hitler's military.
When Chirac says that we must turn over Iraq to the Iraqis quickly, he is probaby harking back to the French lightening surrender to the Nazis in World War II.
I don't think it took more than a month.
The French probably think we are as pusillanimous as they.
Italgato wrote:Unemployment rates in France have consistently been in teh double digits.
Yes, between 1993 and 1999.
Mr. Hinteler: Have I committed an error?
Please be so good as to inform us as to the correct Unemployment stastics for France in 2000, 2001,and 2003.
Are they anywhere near as horribly high as in the failing system in the USA which now has an umemplyment rate of 6.1%?
Here we go - also I don't see a chance, to get the 2003 figures, since we Europeans are still in that year:
France, enemployment rates, statistics
Italgato wrote:
Are they anywhere near as horribly high as in the failing system in the USA which now has an umemplyment rate of 6.1%?
Well, I don't think so.
On the other hand, French (and German, Italian etc.) unemployment figures include persons as well, who are three, four, five ... years unemployed. I may be wrong, but as far as I know, those are excluded and not counted in the USA.
I am very sorry, Mr. Hinteler, but your link does not work. It is probably an inadvertent error on your part. However, I have discovered that the current Unemplyment rate in France is 9.6%
You must forgive me for my error. I was off by .4.
That is still quite high don't you think for the most cultured country in the world?
When I look at the pygmy nations like France and Germany who still think they are important in the world and note their puffed up announcements, I go to the GDP figures.
USA- 10,208,000,000
Germany- 1,847,000.000
France- 1, 307,000.000
Maybe they should send some people here to study our economic system to find out how they can get their GDP's to go higher.
Well, actually you were saying
Mr. Hinteler: Have I committed an error?
Please be so good as to inform us as to the correct Unemployment stastics for France in 2000, 2001,and 2003.
and before
Unemployment rates in France have consistently been in teh double digits.
Thank You Mr. Hinteler. That link worked. I noted that there was an 8.8% Unemployment rate last year-2002. I am very much afraid that the last report showed that the French Unemployment rate was now up to 9.6%
As I said, some French intellectuals should be sent to the USA to learn how to increase employment in their country, but I am afraid that they couldn't stand the barbaric cooking in the USA. Maybe we should just send them How to books.
AS I said, Mr. Hinteler, 9.6% is the latest number.
I was .4% off. My apologies. I am afraid, However, that if France doesn't get into Iraq to try to enforce all of the Oil contracts France thought it had with Iraq, the 9.6% will go up to 12% soon.
To paraphrase. Chirac is a shitty little leader from a shitty little country.
au1929 wrote:To paraphrase. Chirac is a shitty little leader from a shitty little country.
That's what *I* was trying to say...
So, can the conservative's dislike of France be taken as evidence of their disdain for civilization?
Bush was addressing the UN. The most irrelevant debating society ever devised. A considerable number which are peopled by representatives of governments that are corrupt totalitarian dictatorships. I thought he was going to them hat in hand thankfully I was mistaken. Will we get assistance from them, I doubt it, they are firm in there commitment that it is better to receive than give?