Well, David, around here they sure do. I live in a predominately Jewish area.
There's plenty of holiday spirit, shopping, decorating, and
celebrating during Hannukah. Stores that displayed only Merry Christmas
signs and decorations would probably lose a good proportion
of their holiday sales to stores that were more inclusive.
Seems like it's just good business sense to market to everyone during the holidays.
I did not imply that a store shoud refrain from putting up a Hannukah sign, if such be its choice.
My friend and ex-law partner, Elliot, is Jewish, and an exceptionally well informed fellow.
He is the second brightest member of NY Mensa whom I 've met.
He once commented to me that in the Jewish perspective,
the importance of Hannukah ranks "about the same as Ground Hog Day."
That 's a direct quote.
Because I am not Jewish, I only accept what he said, at face value.
As an American Christian, I know, from quite a few decades of experience,
that Christmas is
the most joyous time of the year for American Christians.
I recommend that my fellow American Christians take their
Christmas shopping $$$ to those stores which indicate,
by their advertizing that thay r
PARTICIPATING in the celebration,
the Christmas Spirit, by
NOT celebrating "