California Voters Approve Gay-Marriage Ban

Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 02:16 pm
That wasn't addressed to you Spendi. Foofie is the one I addressed.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 02:29 pm
Foofie wrote:
I believe that they have an agenda that may weaken the cohesiveness of this country's society.

What exactly is "cohesiveness of this country's society?" Aren't homosexuals part of our society?
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 02:47 pm
@cicerone imposter,

What exactly is "cohesiveness of this country's society?" Aren't homosexuals part of our society
it would be the gender, sexual, and relationship confusion that would destroy the glue.
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 03:10 pm
That wasn't addressed to you Spendi. Foofie is the one I addressed.

Are you suggesting that commenting about a post responding to someone else's post is out of order?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 03:21 pm
You are one of the few confused about this subject. "Destroy the glue" has absolutely no relationship to anything being discussed here.
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 03:23 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It is the only subject worth discussing. It's the bottom line of all my posts.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 03:30 pm
You have no bottom line; you're all over tarnation.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 05:39 pm
If hetero's love is so fragile that gays marrying can, err, "destroy the glue" then is it really love? And who needs glue to remain with the person you love? I sure don't... I thought love was a free and open willingness and not something that needed to be glued, nailed and locked behind bars... This glue stuff is pure propaganda. No matter how you fantasize, romanticize and sophicize, gays have no bearing on if a straight person remains with a spouse. Love is up to the individual and is not propped up by whether if gays are discriminated against. Oh so because gays can't marry that means a hetero is free to love their wife again... How retarded... You either love your spouse or you don't... Gays add to the overall meaning of marriage they don't detract from it. Gays add to it because marriage becomes based upon equality and not just a husband lording over a wife...
failures art
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 05:48 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:


What exactly is "cohesiveness of this country's society?" Aren't homosexuals part of our society
it would be the gender, sexual, and relationship confusion that would destroy the glue.

Would you get confused?

More accurately, are you confused? Do you not know what you're attracted to? How do you know that homosexuals are the source of your confusion? What is the source of your sexual confusion?

Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 05:49 pm
If hetero's love is so fragile that gays marrying can, err, "destroy the glue" then is it really love
the glue referred to is the glue that holds the collective together, that which enables us to work together and live together well enough that we can at least prevent our demise and hopefully advance the civilization. I am a socialist, in my view then needs of the many trumps the needs of the few. If the need for sexual and relationship order amongst the collective is critical to our success, and if putting homosexuality on par with heterosexuality damages this order more than we can allow, then homosexuality must be repressed. If the homosexuals raise a stink about how denying them equal status with Hetro's is a violation of their constitutional rights and SCOTUS agrees then the necessary solution is to either change or kill the constitution.

It is all very much up in the air right now, both what no longer repressing homosexuality will do to us and what homosexual rights are granted by the Constitution according to SCOTUS.
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 05:53 pm
As for woman liking to be in harems... that is not true... That would be the sames as saying slaves liked being slaves or men like being eunuchs... Just because some male chauvinist pig in history wrote that women were happy in some harems does not make it one bit true.

We see women cat fighting oven the fact that another woman looked the wrong way at their man... Women want equality just the same as men do.

Yes there were some slaves who did not care to be freed and some woman who thought being in a harem was just lovely but they were dead wrong... Yes there are some women who think wearing black burkas in sweltering heat is a woman's place too and they are just as unlearned and wrong... I am sure some gays don't care one way or the other if they get marriage equality... even this is just wrong... Liberty and equality is for the learned and the unlearned. It is for the greatest and the least of any civilized society.

I believe the words "husband" and "wife" are sexist terms and should be replaced with "spouse". So if you mean by "glue" that a wife has to submit to her husband's every whim then this is not marriage but it is slavery under the name of marriage... What holds a marriage together is love and if you doubt your own commitment and love, is it a gay persons fault or your own?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 05:57 pm
@failures art,
Would you get confused? More accurately, are you confused? Do you not know what you're attracted to? How do you know that homosexuals are the source of your confusion?
Let's try this for something like the forth time with you: I was formed when homosexuality was repressed, my identity is of a standard mold from back in the time when things were set, ordered. What happens when you can be what ever sexuality or what ever sex you want to be is not clear. What happens when you combine that with the elimination of traditional masculine/feminine dynamic is not clear. What we are trying to do is a grand experiment, is has never been done before, how it will turn out can only be guessed at.

What we do know is that the social fabric has been getting weaker for a few generations, if all of this sexual freedom to be what ever you want weakens it any more it is not clear that it will be strong enough to hold.
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 06:03 pm
and if putting homosexuality on par with heterosexuality damages this order more than we can allow, then homosexuality must be repressed.

So if gays marrying enhances this order then we need to repress people like you... You would rather the husband lord over the wife where gays enhancing marriage allows the wife an equal footing. Marriage (spouse to spouse) should be between two consenting adults not between a lord and his subject.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 06:06 pm
What happens when you can be what ever sexuality or what ever sex you want to be is not clear. What happens when you combine that with the elimination of traditional masculine/feminine dynamic is not clear.

Then you grow up to be who you are born to be and a person is not forced into cookie cutter molds of some social experiment created by religiophobes
failures art
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 06:11 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Would you get confused? More accurately, are you confused? Do you not know what you're attracted to? How do you know that homosexuals are the source of your confusion?
Let's try this for something like the forth time with you: I was formed when homosexuality was repressed, my identity is of a standard mold from back in the time when things were set, ordered.

So either, (1) homosexuals didn't exist when you were growing up, or (2) they did but you didn't get gender confused (you just think that others would).

So you think you've got a better mental fortitude than other people? you're ability to repress your inner homosexual is stronger than people of the modern day. I'm sure in the right audience, that would be quite an impressive parlor trick.

hawkeye10 wrote:

What happens when you can be what ever sexuality or what ever sex you want to be is not clear.

What happens when you are gay and you're not persecuted for being gay is very clear.

Being gay is not criminal, nor should it be treated as such.

hawkeye10 wrote:

What happens when you combine that with the elimination of traditional masculine/feminine dynamic is not clear.

Things seem much better.

hawkeye10 wrote:

What we are trying to do is a grand experiment, is has never been done before, how it will turn out can only be guessed at.

This isn't hypothetical, it's happening. For all you're chicken-littling, you've got nothing to show for your bigoted hypothesis.

hawkeye10 wrote:

What we do know is that the social fabric has been getting weaker for a few generations, if all of this sexual freedom to be what ever you want weakens it any more it is not clear that it will be strong enough to hold.

How does one measure social fabric, and please demonstrate how social fabric in the USA is getting worse. The people that divide our country are being socially rejected, and I'd say that over time more mends than breaks have taken place in a "social fabric." Besides, how can you argue for the uniformity of social fabric by taking a stance to deny inclusion and equal rights?

You are what harms social unity, not homosexuals.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 06:17 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
I was formed when homosexuality was repressed, my identity is of a standard mold from back in the time when things were set, ordered.

hey gramps, lets go to the picture show this afternoon, hear they've got something called air conditioning, and later i'm taking my best gal sal to the soda shop, and maybe tonight we'll sit on the porch swing and watch the neighbourhood kids play kick the can
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 06:24 pm
Then you grow up to be who you are born to be and a person is not forced into cookie cutter molds of some social experiment created by religiophobes
Very few people know themselves well at all, and when it does happen it normally does not happen until late 30's at best. Making teens make so many choices for themselves when they don't have the ability to do so is not freedom, it is oppressive, it is cruel. If might also be destabilizing for the collective, only time will tell.
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 06:36 pm
I remember having my own gay tendencies at 3 years old... so not allowing me my freedom to express myself as a homosexual till I am 30 is oppressive... I knew which sex I preferred at age 3 and that has not changed one bit and I am now almost 50...

Some teens are bi some are straight some are gay. Sometimes that can change over a lifetime... This is why marriage equality is necessary. If people want to change let them do so without the condemnation that it is hurting the glue in some hetero's bedroom. If you need glue to stay in your wife's bedroom then something is terribly wrong...
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 06:36 pm
hawk, You know not of what you speak; many kids know they are homosexual, but stay in the closet for fear of people like you.
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2010 07:01 pm
@cicerone imposter,
hawk, You know not of what you speak; many kids know they are homosexual, but stay in the closet for fear of people like you.
"do what you you want so long as the majority culture dont see it or hear about it" was a fine place to leave the question for a long time. It might be the right place to leave it currently. I fail to see the problem with your statement. It is pretty much where swinging and BDSM is, and I think that is fine.

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