California Voters Approve Gay-Marriage Ban

Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 05:46 am
So--I'm talking out of my arse. I'm stupid. I'm hateful. I'm un-civilised. I'm a stupid idiot. What I said stinks to high heavens. I'm racist. I'm a misogynist. I'm anti-science. I'm homophobic. I'm anti-Jesus. I'm un-evolved. I'm threatened with ostracism.

All I did was offer a secular and literary interpretation of a story in the Bible which has not been responded to.

All Jane Austen's works are fiction from first word to last. Are you suggesting that there is nothing useful to be learned from them?

I offered you the comfort of the idea that modern times might allow debauchery and promiscuity to develop without disaster which was not the case in the cities of the plain. When such a disaster does occur women are by far its main victims. Thus risking a disaster is misogynistic. On a grand scale.

To avoid that conclusion you need to show that increasing licentiousness is not harmful to society. Why don't you do that instead of spewing out. meaningless insults?

You cannot deny that debauchery and promiscuity are increasing. At what point would you seek the stop the trend which is obviously most pronounced among the "beautiful people" as Warhol's Factory proved. What's in it for Mr and Miss Average?

You might be seen as a body fascist.

Another splurge of debauchery and promiscuity took place in New York with the bankers being freed from restrictions and very draconian measures have been taken to avoid a "meltdown". The pockets of the poor had to be raided.

Have you any idea what a "meltdown" entails?

What does the new Pope have to do with my Godless interpretation of that parable? I stressed that a natural law was at work. A scientific law. And one accepted by all known societies in one form or other.
Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 11:40 am
I just think it is interesting how you can go anywhere and mention the name of Jesus and everybody gets uncomfortable and or offended and they may ask you to leave. No other name has that effect. There is power in the name of Jesus.

The whole demons thing may seem silly to you but if you believe in god then you should also believe in demons too.

Pay attention to whats going on. It seems like people will settle for anything but the truth. Nobody wants to hear the truth. Would you trade truth for a lie? Would you trade friends for enemies? Then why on earth would you trade a woman for a man?? ...Or vise versa

And by the way in your last paragraph you seem to agree with me...or maybe not lol Before you attempt to use big words (like fiction or non-fiction) you probably should know the difference between the two. Just a thought
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:30 pm
The only point you make is that there is an obvious conflict between religion and science.

Whether you believe that God created the world or the Big Bang did it, you we cant prove it. You must believe it by faith. The Bible is the only book in which the creation of the earth is made known to us. Can you find anyone else that is brave enough (or foolish) enough to claim they made the heavens and the earth? No. God made that claim and is saying prove him wrong...if you can.

People would rather believe something that some man said as if man was smarter than God. You can believe a scientist that says "it just happened" or you can believe God who said he made it.

If you submit your faith in God you would have to admit that God is greater than you are. Seems like people hate to admit that there is a higher power. Instead they believe in the Big Bang and therefore they dont have to deal with the God issue and they feel comfortable believing that man is the greatest.

You read the Bible and the first unbelievable event you come across that cant be proved by science and you say "I dont believe that". How do you explain that? How is that possible? God is greater than science. Has mankind lost its ability to think and reason? Faith is the answer to all of your questions. Have faith my friend
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 02:58 pm
And by the way in your last paragraph you seem to agree with me...or maybe not lol Before you attempt to use big words (like fiction or non-fiction) you probably should know the difference between the two. Just a thought

Smile Isn't that apt. You believe or you don't believe - "agree with me or maybe not " Wink

My post was being general in as much as I believe people have the right to believe what ever they want where God is concerned or the power above, the Universe . Do I think that if there is good there is evil? Hell yeah. Just look at the screw loose people of this world that murder, rape and destroy lives, without hesitation and without remorse. That's evil.

BUT there is always a but. What ever you believe in, in life. If you are passionate about it, truly passionate.. Then you just know, there is a peace about what you are doing, or believe in. I do not see why people run around quoting scriptures it's like they have to remind themselves, or to do it to say "ha, that demon squirmed because I quoted that".. to me is using words on paper they have read to ward off evil. The passion I mentioned doesn't need words, rather belief.

Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 03:56 pm
Its obvious that those scriptures bothers you. I didnt quote those scriptures to remind myself but rather to remind others of what the word says. I dont need a reminder of what I believe in. It just comes natural and is common sense to me.

Sounds like you watch too much TV if you think quoting a bunch of scriptures to warding off evil is a common practice. I only quoted the scriptures in my first post in reference to the subject at hand.

I believe that there is a right...and that there is a wrong. And right is all the way right when it exist. And the same goes for wrong. There is no in between. People like to practice selective Christianity or other religions so that they can do as they will when it is convenient for them thus making up their own beliefs.

I believe God gave us our own free will and you are free to believe what you want and be happy. I also believe that you are subject to the consequences of your beliefs and will be held accountable. Lots of things make us happy. Some people are happy when helping others...the next person maybe happy when taking the life of another. The most general way to put this is I believe that if it doesnt glorify God then what is true happiness? If it glorifies God then it must be positive and bring happiness to your life. Whatever you want to do, anything at all can be done through Christ
Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 04:15 pm
They don't bother me at all.. Don't assume.

What bothers me, is people going to Church, as a ritual, reading and re-reading scriptures, using those words in utter belief. Including, warding off evil.

You miss my point. To me, those people also pay the Church money, the Churches get rich, people hide behind the Church, those vulnerable people that I am talking about, don't think for themselves, they hang onto every word of scripture. They aren't free, they don't just walk away with knowledge and choose to believe that knowledge and live their days in that knowledge and in happiness. They are forever searching and their souls are forever searching, they can not stand on their own two feet and simply believe in what ever it is that they picked up and be happy. They walk around continually trying to "believe" and then force it down everyone's throat, that belief.

People who are happy within themselves, believe what they choose to and understand good verses evil are in a good place.

Whatever you want to do, anything at all can be done through believing. Without belief you fail.

Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 06:57 pm
I know people like who you are describing but I personally dont practice that at all. I believe what the Bible say that the church is not a man made structure but instead it is made up of people. The people are the church. I have church all the time by myself .

Going to church and giving offering is a choice as far as where to do it. I could find a homeless person and hand them $20 and that could be considered my offering. Some people choose to give to their church...to each his own.

I have my beliefs and I dont feel forced at all. To me it is totally right and it makes sense. I put my faith in God and I still have trials and temptation but I am still growing. Wasnt an overnight change but it had definitely made a big difference in my life
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 08:25 pm
I'm not religious at all, but I give donations to Second Harvest Food Bank and Habitat for Humanities. Both those organizations do no discriminate based on any kind of grouping, and provides food and shelter for all peoples in need.

Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 10:02 pm
So--YOU'RE talking out of YOUR arse. YOU'RE stupid. YOU'RE hateful. YOU'RE un-civilised. YOU'RE a stupid idiot. What YOU say stinks to high heavens. YOU'RE a racist. YOU'RE a misogynist. YOU'RE anti-science. YOU'RE homophobic. YOU'RE anti-Jesus. YOU'RE un-evolved. YOU'RE (rightly so) threatened with ostracism. YES! You are catching on...

When someone comes into here spouting homophobic bible scriptures YOU jump onto their bandwagon...

I am music artist as you well know and this makes me quite a critic of the music everyone else makes. Everything you have said over the years comes back to my near perfect recollection and perfect pitch as a sour and mishmashed symphony of discord (Lack of harmony between notes sounded together).

You seem to forget that I was bullied as a young child. All of the students would gang up against me and want me to fight the bully. Well one day I after school I agreed and fought him and I won. The next day his parents took his humiliated ass out of school and sent him to the next town over to attend school.

Slowly over time my school healed of these types of attacks other than a few isolated incidents. In fact some of the most ardent supporters of the bully became my best friends. I was finally able to learn without much distraction... The harmony returned to my life.

I am not afraid to fight when I am challenged but I also know that this type of back and fourth can be a distraction to what is important.

What is more important? Teen suicides, disenfranchised and abused women, helping those who are abused and ostracized by YOUR intrinsic bigotry. Loving the unloved.

Maybe once in a blue moon you might have something nice to say but usually it is to rant your CRAPY opinionated dogma.

The school bully did not have to leave school, he just had to compromise a bit. To say I don't need to be just a jerk all the time.

I was raised in church and I was taught of Jesus' love. Perhaps my teachers there knew of the hard road that my life would take. I am not bitter in fact I have retained all of the "good" that I learned so many years ago in the white church with the stained glass windows. I was ordained in this love.

This is why I refuse to stand for the constant hateful banter. I will not live in the discord of your life's bitterness. I have other places to shine if you can't compromise and learn to accept people in tolerance and reason. If you must cower behind your book of lies and hate then I have no need for you in my daily life. I have heard your sour rant a million times from a million people (I used to be a missionary) and I know what you are going to say before you say it. So I don't need to hear it.

Progression is where it is at. In this progression is the character and maturity of your song and lost chord. It is time for a change in the way we interact.... It is time to realize I am not trying to lower society into some chaotic state but to raise it to a place of common courtesy and expel the bully from the school so that knowledge can grow and prevail.

I am not going to ever become like you so it is up to you to change and become more reasonable and caring.

Consider these words carefully, "You have ostracized yourself."....

Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 10:14 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Your progressive personality is your greatest gift to humanity...

Hope your New Year is a great one CI! Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 10:20 pm
Spendius wrote:
To avoid that conclusion you need to show that increasing licentiousness is not harmful to society.


Your hate shows even when you are trying to be nice.

You don't have any problem calling my LOVE, "licentious"...

It does not even occur to you the hate in such a statement.

It just seems like you are a lost cause...

And what of the heterosexual men out there shagging anything with legs and a skirt and what of the homophobe rednecks saying, Get the girls while they are young... You are no less offensive.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jan, 2014 10:30 pm
As for Pootin and his crusade against gay propaganda. ALL sexual propaganda directed at children should be and is a crime.

The fact that he singles out gays (not all gays are that way) reveals that he does not mind the heterosexual raping of young minds. In this apparent bigotry resides his own perverse sexual dysfunction...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jan, 2014 05:07 am
You must not have noticed my saying--

I'm all in favour of debauchery and promiscuity if there's no harm done.
Reply Thu 2 Jan, 2014 05:10 am
I neither compare mature committed same sex couples to debauchery nor promiscuity...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jan, 2014 05:23 am
Spendius criticize promiscuous homosexuals all you want. I too find promiscuity repulsive just as I do equally their heterosexual counterparts.

But when you criticize and demean homosexuals in committed and loving relationships; you lower yourself to the level of a promiscuous gay man spreading aids just for the sake of doing so.
Reply Thu 2 Jan, 2014 05:33 am
But when you criticize and demean homosexuals in committed and loving relationships;

When did I do that?
Reply Thu 2 Jan, 2014 06:44 am
Have you never heard of the idea of morality as an aphrodisiac?

It is that the activities under consideration are quite unremarkable and banal to the point where appetites become jaded with repetition and it is only by adding the spice of offensiveness to morality that they continue at all.

Which might be thought true on the evidence of population density before strict moralities were invented, and the stricter the spicier, that they became what they did once the morality came into use. I stress the word "use".

And evolution insists that the societies with strict moralities experience population pressure sufficient to cause them to take over the territory of societies with no moralities and thus evolution selects in strict moralities and selects out the rest.

Thus the providers of the strict morality are the providers of the spice and the evolutionary success.

Your personal circumstance are irrelevant to what California voters do or think. They are not an excuse to bad mouth anybody who is not in favour of same sex marriage. One might oppose same sex marriage for legitimate reasons as I have just done. One might support it if one thinks the population needs reducing. Supporting it on the basis of passionate declarations of enduring love is ridiculous because we all know what they are worth after a few years of domestic bliss. A steadily reducing number of years. Your bad mouthing is merely an evasion of the perfectly legitimate observations I, and some others, have made. And I have not lowered myself to returning the hysterical insults.

You are simply unready to be challenged by someone on the same sex marriage issue, the topic here, who is not spewing hate and bigotry because such challenges are the only ones you have met so far and you unreasonably assume that any challenge is motivated by those foolish motives which have been manipulated to advantage by promoters of the novel institution to very good effect. Which is why they are foolish. And are proving a great deal easier for you to deal with than legitimate challenges concerning long term outcomes. Which is why you make great play of them as it enables you to evade an objective opposition which is legitimate enough to have prevented same sex marriage being approved in the majority of states and to have provided a legitimate opposition in those states where it has.

I can find no reason to consider debauchery and promiscuity repulsive. And if I argue that they are inefficient and destructive I am prepared to listen to counter-arguments with a cool head.

Being constantly bad-mouthed is extremely tiresome because it is repetitive and has as much effect on me as a cool breeze in Timbuktu does. I have been in the Full Metal Jacket situation and not as an actor.

You have a lot to learn about bad-mouthing.

Reply Thu 2 Jan, 2014 06:51 am
I have better things to do in my life than be "challenged on the gay marriage issue"... There are liberal judges in courts of law that are facing that challenge quite well these days.

You on the other hand don't respond well to others challenging you on your steady pub drinking and alphabet soup posts...

Spendius wrote this...

Thus the providers of the strict morality are the providers of the spice and the evolutionary success.

Funny, a self proclaimed "Christian" pub fly lecturing me on evolution...

What bottle of gin did you scrape that nonsensical sentence out of?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jan, 2014 06:57 am
spendius wrote:

But when you criticize and demean homosexuals in committed and loving relationships;

When did I do that?

Your selective memory is tied sorely to your constant frequenting of the English pubs...
Reply Thu 2 Jan, 2014 07:29 am
But when you criticize and demean homosexuals in committed and loving relationships;

When did I do that?

And I'll defend English pubs against all comers. They are the last bastion of freedom and where you meet people you haven't chosen or are stuck with by the accident of your birth.

You're beginning to sound like a bloody Puritan as I always suspected you are.

The argument from evolution with spice is not dependent on my drinking habits, which are very moderate. It is dependent on the facts of history. That you think you have answered it, or even responded to it, by your ridiculous remarks is just running away from it.

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