So--YOU'RE talking out of YOUR arse. YOU'RE stupid. YOU'RE hateful. YOU'RE un-civilised. YOU'RE a stupid idiot. What YOU say stinks to high heavens. YOU'RE a racist. YOU'RE a misogynist. YOU'RE anti-science. YOU'RE homophobic. YOU'RE anti-Jesus. YOU'RE un-evolved. YOU'RE (rightly so) threatened with ostracism. YES! You are catching on...
When someone comes into here spouting homophobic bible scriptures YOU jump onto their bandwagon...
I am music artist as you well know and this makes me quite a critic of the music everyone else makes. Everything you have said over the years comes back to my near perfect recollection and perfect pitch as a sour and mishmashed symphony of discord (Lack of harmony between notes sounded together).
You seem to forget that I was bullied as a young child. All of the students would gang up against me and want me to fight the bully. Well one day I after school I agreed and fought him and I won. The next day his parents took his humiliated ass out of school and sent him to the next town over to attend school.
Slowly over time my school healed of these types of attacks other than a few isolated incidents. In fact some of the most ardent supporters of the bully became my best friends. I was finally able to learn without much distraction... The harmony returned to my life.
I am not afraid to fight when I am challenged but I also know that this type of back and fourth can be a distraction to what is important.
What is more important? Teen suicides, disenfranchised and abused women, helping those who are abused and ostracized by YOUR intrinsic bigotry. Loving the unloved.
Maybe once in a blue moon you might have something nice to say but usually it is to rant your CRAPY opinionated dogma.
The school bully did not have to leave school, he just had to compromise a bit. To say I don't need to be just a jerk all the time.
I was raised in church and I was taught of Jesus' love. Perhaps my teachers there knew of the hard road that my life would take. I am not bitter in fact I have retained all of the "good" that I learned so many years ago in the white church with the stained glass windows. I was ordained in this love.
This is why I refuse to stand for the constant hateful banter. I will not live in the discord of your life's bitterness. I have other places to shine if you can't compromise and learn to accept people in tolerance and reason. If you must cower behind your book of lies and hate then I have no need for you in my daily life. I have heard your sour rant a million times from a million people (I used to be a missionary) and I know what you are going to say before you say it. So I don't need to hear it.
Progression is where it is at. In this progression is the character and maturity of your song and lost chord. It is time for a change in the way we interact.... It is time to realize I am not trying to lower society into some chaotic state but to raise it to a place of common courtesy and expel the bully from the school so that knowledge can grow and prevail.
I am not going to ever become like you so it is up to you to change and become more reasonable and caring.
Consider these words carefully, "You have ostracized yourself."....