@Shadow X,
LGBT people sometimes instead of just running all over the globe and producing bastards like religiophobe horned dog breeders, sometimes take the time to THINK and add to society in unique and colorful ways...
Some, instead of making babies for the sake of breeding we make social contributions in the humanities and science other than screwing multiple partners only for the offspring like dirty male whore dogs...
Consider, in NEARLY ALL major cities the gays occupy the oldest parts of the cities. Every wondered why? That is because some straights are so busy making babies and going to soccer games that they lose the respect to preserve cultural landmarks, old opera houses and respect for diversity. This preservation has been solely the work of LGBT people and other conscientious progressives.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy was penned by a gay man whose boyfriend wrote The Chronicles of Narnia...
As for your pedophile comments.... You can shove them up your homophobe ass... No one likes you on this forum SX. You are the most voted down poster here other than Spendi... ahh how you suffer all the day long for Christ... (cynical)
Bull ****! You suffer here because you are a jerk and a homophobe... You twist facts to bully gays you are deceptive and a hypocrite.
Your hateful words are catalysts to cause 11 year old LGBT children (who must also be pedophiles [cynical]) to go kill themselves. You are the child molester here and your words convict you time and again.