@Bi-Polar Bear,
Sortakinda . . . but just the loony tax cuts for fat cats was a case of writing checks he couldn't cash. We'd still likely have had a war in Afghanistan, and properly, we ought to have committed there the resources which were sent to Iraq. The Taliban is resurgent in not just Waziristan (the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan and sitting astride both countries), but in Kandahar and Helman province, too. We might have spent a lot more money building a viable state in Afghanistan, which is slipping rapidly back into failed state status. When Baby Bush and Company rushed off to Iraq, they just put old, corrupt and criminal war lords back into power, and Karzai has no real power for change in Afghanistan. A genuine effort there with any chance of success would have required sweeping away not just the Taliban government (such as it was, it actually controlled considerably less than half the country), but the old ethnic and criminal war lords, and building a government from the ground up, locally as well as nationally.
That would have cost a lot of money, and might have run up quite a bill. But doing any of those things, or invading Iraq,
while cutting taxes for the rich bitches--that is what has sent us to the poor house.