Mr. Mountie wrote:I find it difficult to imagine these people [i.e., talk radio demagogues] shifting because extremism is their language and their reason for being.
I disagree with this--talk radio hosts are selling a product, just like any other commercial, capitalist venture. When Limbaugh goes on tee-vee, he has bookcases full of his latest book on display behind him.
Extremism is the product they sell, because they know it sells. If it begins to pall on a conservative electorate disillusioned by loosing Congress, and possibly here in a few days loosing the White House, then they'll find a different message which will sell.
I suspect it would take a while for conservatives to adjust, simply because they've been steeped in the extremism, and the hysteria and the hate for so long now. But trust to it, if the party center begins to shift, the commercial interests, such as talk radio hosts, will respond as quickly or more quickly than any other part of the group.