hawkeye10 wrote:
We Egocentric humans believe in rationality....cling to rationality, yet there are enough cracks in the facade that we should be able to see that it is not as correct as we think it is.
Rationality isn't anymore broken than gravity hawkeye10. You spend several weeks calculating the trajectory of a ball being thrown through the air, and come the day of the experiment the ball flies and lands 2 ft away from where you thought it would land.
You say: "That's not right, I did all the calculations right!"
It's not a breakdown of science or reason, nor did nature give you some rare exception and put the ball in the wrong place. The ball ended up exactly where it was going to end up. exactly.
The truth is your calculations were wrong. Science didn't fail you, but your ego can quickly take hold of you and convince you that your perception is greater than rationality.
My college physics professor had a saying, and he'd use it whenever the a student would try and weasel points out by saying that their calculations were right and that the experiment was wrong.
"Nature does not argue, it only wins."
Your abandonment of ration is not because ration is somehow flawed or incomplete, it is your weakness. Your weakness that you can't accept what ration offers; that it too often directs you away from your perception. You are only defending your ego. You insecurity does not surprise me in the least.
hawkeye10 wrote:
You guys who demean the religious folk, who start from the position that all religous doctrine was born of ignorance, are no better than the worst of the "religious crackpots"
No. You're wrong. I could hate on some religious people all day, and when the suns falls, I will have never assaulted, murdered, robbed, or denied them their rights. That's what the "religious crackpots" do.
You are now in the phase of your argument, where you've lost so much intellectual ground you have resorted to try and make your argument equal by the notion that both myself and the religious zealot (what you perceive as my nemesis in this struggle) ultimately are no different.
It's a retreat on your behalf. You can't have me argue with you, so you push a concept in front of me to argue with. A concept which you control. A concept which can't be held accountable; you can't be accountable. In the end, you don't have to be right. All you have to do is find a way to find some group (in this case you think it's religious people) that you can feel like I oppress. The product of something like this is that you feel satisfied that you create a image in your mind about who I am by characterizing who I attack. This of course ignores the truth that I'm not actually arguing against anyone but you.
This debate via proxy is pure cowardice. You wanna prove something, you put something on the line. You put out your ideas as your own. Don't hide behind religion.
I know your argument better than you do. I could pose as a gay oppressor on a different message board and stir up people like myself better than you.
hawkeye10 wrote:
The ones who are smart, who are the most sane, are those of us who know that both the spiritualist and the scientist are correct in their own way, that both types of truth are needed to live this life well.
How is the spiritualist right? We have emotions, we have our own subjective feelings, and we often do what makes us feel right.
We'll turn down rational things like security for emotional things like love. Is their fault in that? No. What presides however is not our inner self but our outer self. I don't agree with what you think, but I don't desire to police your thoughts or feelings. You can't say the same. Further, gays don't need you to approve of their life, like them, encourage them. Do you live a life that demands all of humanity to approve of you? Like you? Encourage you? I don't think so. Gays only want to be treated as equals by the law, I'm sure they can handle you and your opinions contrary to that.
Your argument is only about you. Your ego. Your insecurity.