@Diest TKO,
Fact the APA was place under great pressure in the early 70’s concerning listing homosexuality as a disorder with behavior similar to the Act Out Group a generation later. Do you happen to question that fact my friend not a theory a fact. Try using the Way Back Machine on their website to see their own statements concerning that period of time on their own website.
Number two the incoming president of the APA at the time that homosexuality was de-listed as a disorder was an in the closet gay gentlemen according to his daughter interview on NPR. A fact my friend.
After the de-listing the membership force a vote that if memory serve me correctly was somewhere in the range of 60/40 in favor of supporting the de-listing. That neither sound like science or sold agreement by experts in the field for the idea that homosexuality is not a disorder.
Now they are running a committee dealing with supporting the gay community, a very odd thing to do for a suppose science base organization in my opinion.
And of course their outright ban on any treatment by members for this condition. Kind of hard to do research on treatments without funding and being kick out of your profession field organization for daring to do so is it not!