i would probably vote for obama .
i don't think that i'm usually a pessimist - or i wouldn't have come to canada - but my gut feeling is that whoever the next president of the U.S. is going to be , americans are going to be for a nasty shock .
somehow you'll have to wrestle with a huge debt and that won't be easy .
i've explained before that canada was financially "on the ropes" - on the watchlist of the IMF - in the late 70's early 80's .
tax increases , surtaxes starting at about $25,000 and lots of other nasty stuff - canadians accepted it grudgingly and came out reasonably well .
how would the american citizens deal with such a scenario ? would there be lots of accusations flying back and forth ?
imo because of the long pre-election period the U.S. , each candidate has to make so many promises to all and everyone that it seems difficult to see how those promises can be kept .
just had an election in canada : 37 (!) days from the day the election was called to the day of the election - all over and done with (but even in that short period of time there was enough nastiness and promises from all parties to last us for a while ) .
i know the U.S. has about 10 times the population of canada , but do you really need such a long election period ? is it really that much fun ?
to all my american friends : have fun , and make up and kiss after the election !
ps. there are TWO military conflicts going on that ALL americans will have to deal with !