Wed 8 Oct, 2008 08:20 am
I recently realized that I am bored to death of the election, and can't wait until it is over. The realization hit me when I fell asleep a few minutes into the presidential town hall meeting. I realized a few things:
Politicians fib. I would have said, "lie", but maybe that was too strong a judgement. Let's say that for the moment, the contender believes in what he/she says, which may change at a second's notice.
There are illegal shenanigans going on by both parties in order to gather more votes. I would suspect that it has always been this way, and will continue to be. Get over it.
Politicians will say just about anything to any particular group, in order to get their suppport.
Politicians want power. Now matter how benign they seem, bottom line, is that power is what they are after. In fact, I think that there are many who would sell their grandmothers on the street, in order to get elected.
I had always wondered why the really brilliant people seldom run for office. If you think about it, the answer is very simple. No one with a superior intellect would go through the machinations, the deceit, the double dealing that is part and parcel of politics.
Do I sound jaded? Sure I am. But I am sick of the smears, the rhetoric and the bullshit that is being tossed about.
I can't wait until the election is over. Then people on A2K can stop delving into the election minutiae, and begin to criticize whomever won.
Oh, and BTW my absentee vote is already in the mail, so I don't have to even think about this election anymore.
What do you think?
What do I think?
I think Palin is a joke on the american people.
I think Obama is a pawn to regain 'faith' in the government
I think McCain is a sociopath who wears his criminal behavior on his sleeve
I think Binden is a bought and paid for crook
And I think our votes dont matter. They are all puppets. We just vote for the face we want to see while we are being screwed by our government.
You probably already know, but...
I think we DO actually have a brilliant candidate this time, who knows that there are machinations that have to be gone through but doesn't like them, and who has been running a pretty amazingly clean campaign overall.
I don't really get all the kvetching about people who talk about politics -- if you want to talk about something else, talk about something else!

This is itself talking about the election that you're purportedly sick of.
As for me, I'm having tons of fun. Right now. It ain't over.
I can't wait until the election is over. Then people on A2K can stop delving into the election minutiae, and begin to criticize whomever won.
I think you said a lot right here phoenix.
Although you can eliminate the 2 words "on A2k"
Same old, same old.
before the election, disecting each and every word.....afterward complaining about the winner for his/her entire term of office.
Funny, as far back as I can remember, there's never in a president in office that a single person liked.
well that's not so tough...married men and women do it every night....
'K. Your prerogative.
(I don't dare ask who you voted for... McCain, right?)
I liked Bill Clinton right up until "I never had sexual relations with that woman..."
I was watching the press conference live and knew he was lying. (I'd thought until then that it was baseless smears from the Republicans.)
I think a lot of Republicans are sick of this election.
More than democrats for sure....
This campaign has been going on for 2 years? at least a year and a half. If this were the olden days the campaign would have started in January of 2008.
I fell asleep two minutes into the town hall meeting-- just after the first candidate spoke because whoever it was ,McCain or Obama they gave the usual canned, over rehearsed answer.
Both of them are so overhandled in the age of youtube-- they can't take the chance on being spontaneous.
I didn't watch any of the "debate" last night but I did eat an apple turnover with my tea this morning.
Did you give poor starving Sally a bite?
This is by far the most accurate analysis of the people running for office in this election.