Woiyo9 wrote:
Quote:1) Americans are not stupid or mindless. Most of us support Obama because we have looked at the candidates and the issues and have decided that Obama is better on both counts. WRONG! Most independents who will swing to Obama are pissed off at Bush for screwing things up. They will vote AGAINST the Republicans...NOT for Obama[quote]
And your evidence of this is what? The hundreds of thousands showing up at Obama rallies carrying "F*ck Bush" signs?
2) Most Americans don't care about Ayers, Wright, or Khalidi. We think that the assertion that Obama is somehow subversive, or socialist are ridiculous and mean. WRONG. The media is suppressing the argument. See the LA Times
The times wrote an article on the video MONTHS ago. No one paid attention to the article. Arguing that the video is somehow more substantial than the article is ridiculous and doesn't show suppression. It shows idiocy of those trying to make it an issue. The video doesn't prove Khalidi is a terrorist. It only shows what was already written about MONTHS ago. Let me repeat that MONTHS AGO.
This whole line of argument is irrelevant (and annoying). We think that only idiots or partisans would make an issue of this.
You silence on this one I guess means you agree with it.
3) Most Americans want moderate reasonable solutions to problems. Furthermore we believe that the Democrats are providing them (which is why most of us will vote for Democrats).The democrats who have had control of Congress have a lower approval rating than Bush. Should Obama win, Pelosi and Reid will have a open credit card to spend and increase taxes. I predict a turnover in 2 years
Actually, that's not true. The congress has a WHOLE has a lower approval. The democrats have a higher approval rating than Bush
http://www.pollingreport.com/cong_dem.htm Maybe you should check facts before making stupid comments Woiyo. I know I am dreaming to even suggest you do such a thing, but hey, a guy can dream.
Most of us want a reasonable tax policy that raises taxes for the wealthy and provides cuts for the middle class. The Democrats are offering us this.Raising taxes on 1 class and lowering taxes on the bottom end while increasing spending is an offer of doom
OMG, the sky is falling because Chicken Little says it is. Nonsense Chicken Woiyo. Complete nonsense from you.
Most of us want a reasonable immigration policy that provides border security with a path to citizenship for people already here.Agree and NEITHER Candidate nor party is oferring up a good plan
Maybe to you, but the majority of Americans disagree.
4) Most of us feel the Republicans are launching nastier attacks. Most of us say we don't like this, and increasingly conservatives attacks are losing elections.Democrats never want to discuss their record. When one tries to debate their record, you call it negative.
What does Khalidi have to do with Obama's "record?" What does the removal of 3 reporters from Obama's plane to make room for other reporters have to do with his "record"? Most of what you post can't be called Obama's record Woiyo but rather you are doing personal smears with little evidence.
5) Conservatives are going to have to face the fact that they are losing elections. This is because they are increasingly out of touch with what we, the American people, want.Wrong again. Republicans may lose this time because of one reason. BUSH!!!
Denial. Good for you Woiyo. Don't face what you were just told you would have to face.
Calling American people stupid, attacking us as socialists, whining about the press-- these are not a way to get the political power you crave (and apparently think you deserve).I call your ideas stupid, you ARE a socialist and the press is bias to your agenda. I agree each party wants the power to control the people and neither party deserves my support. Yet, partisans like you refuse to be objective and that is what I resent.
Sure. .So to be objective. Provide evidence of Khalidi working for the PLO. News stories that were later retracted don't count as evidence.