@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:Do you true leftists believe he will advance your goals?
Is he really a centrist who just wants us to get along?
Is he someone who will say or do whatever it take to promote his political advancement?
First of all, I am not a true leftist. I am somewhere between libertarian and liberal.
Second of all, when pinning down a senator's political position, I go by
voteview, a site run by the University of California at San Diego, using an objective method based on the Senators' rollcall votes.
In this ranking, Obama shows up left of center, right smack in the middle among the other Democratic senators. So I think the public image he himself projects and the Republican caricature of him are both wrong. He is not a socialist, terrorist, closet-Muslim Israel hater -- but neither is he the centrist, bipartisan problem solver as which he sells himself to American voters.