hi shewolf :
the first question both you and your mother have to ask and answer yourself is :
why does your mother want you to take out a life insurance policy on her life ?
the second is :
assuming you can get insurance on mother's life : what is it going to cost for (let's say) a $50,000 "unrestricted" policy ?
(my initial guess is : quite a bit of money ... and what for ?) .
# 3 : life insurance policies really need to be taken out at a young age to make the premium bearable(for the average person) .
# 4 : anytime over 45 one would "usually" be better off to save the money one would pay for the premium on a monthly basis (put it in an interest bearing savings account) .
but you really have to deal with question #1 first - and don't make any hasty decisions !!!
(i worked in life insurance admin. for 25 plus years - life insurance is great IF it is taken out for the RIGHT reason , at the RIGHT time and for the RIGHT term .
i'd suggest you do NOT fall for one of those FUNERAL policies . they look good when the person takes it out and is still alive - you've heard the slogan "FOR PEACE OF MIND" . the question is : is it the right FINANCIAL decision to buy a funeral expenses policy - doubtful imo) .
hope to hear from you .
all the best to you and your mom !