blatham wrote:
Quote:I think actually the above is the main rub between conservatives and the liberal secular movement here in this country, which does not bode well for our future. It will inevitably lead to more friction, unrest, hatred, and violence, all because the mainstream believes less in God, and thus they will demand the government to take the place of God.
No reason at all for this to occur. Many cultures with disparate belief systems have, and do, live together in reasonable harmony.
Maybe, but I see alot more unrest and disharmony in society than ever, blatham. I look back to a time when people did not lock their doors, did not lock their cars, trusted their banks, etc.
I recently had an experience in a bank that shook me up. I opened a cd for an amount, but when I looked at the paper closer later that day after leaving the bank, the certificate had been wrongly typed without a zero, so the amount was only one tenth of the proper amount, many thousands of dollars off, and the written out amount was also wrong. I immediately returned to the bank and asked for a correction. Guess what, no apology, she simply took some whiteout and corrected it, while saying no big deal, her computer had the correct amount, and she showed me the screen. Dress code was not great, jeans and rings coming from several body parts. Needless to say, I demanded a complete new copy without whiteout, with the appropriate amounts entered and signed, this done with other personnel assisting this - I will say it - pathetic employee. That did not endear a great deal of trust in the institutions of this country, in regard to the younger generation. I look back to a generation that cared, an honest generation, that respected people, their jobs, and they looked and acted like it. I used to think dress did not matter, but I have changed my mind. I believe we need to dress as achievers, within reasonable limits, and as one that respects what we are doing, and it will show in the results. I am not saying this employee is an example of all people, but I do see a greater percentage of this attitudes out there, and I think this is a small example of what I see eating away at the framework of a very stable, trustworthy, and pleasant society that I grew up in.
I'm sorry, blatham, I don't see good times ahead, unless society goes back to the things that made this country what it was, and that was a God fearing society. When I say that, not everybody needs to be religious, but the mainstream needs some religious and moral grounding to anchor it. There is always room for those that believe anything, and sure atheists can be and are good people, but if the mainstream loses its center of gravity in this regard, we will be set adrift. And I believe in freedom, freedom to fail, so if the country goes another way, I won't fight it, but I simply provide a warning for what I think will happen. It will become more third worldish, where corruption becomes more and more commonplace. I simply think that alot of people are unaware and naive in terms of why we have enjoyed the pleasant lives that we have had so far. I do not think they realize how dismal the result of a slippery slope really can be.
Just my opinion, blatham. I grew up where a handshake meant it was as good as gold.